One to Chase (One to Hold 7) - Page 16

“Say it, Amy. Never again.”

Her voice is desperate. “We can’t—”

I cut her off with another kiss to her gorgeous pussy, slipping my tongue inside and swirling it over her clit while my fingers massage her deep inside.

“Oh, god!” Her body is writhing, and the hand that had covered her face has joined her other one in my hair.

I give her another slow sweep before dragging my tongue down, removing my fingers and taking a deep taste. Her back arches as she moans, and I slide it back up to her clit. I’m ready to put my dick where my mouth is, but I’ll get her close first.

Circling and sucking, I feel the trembling start in her thighs, and I reach for the condom. My pants are unzipped, and I quickly shove them down and roll it on before rising up to sink deep between her thighs.

“Fuck me,” I groan. She’s so tight, so wet and clenching and hot and beautiful.

I’m on the bed above her, and her arms go around my neck, pulling my face to hers. One slow deep kiss, our tongues wrap together, and I turn my head so I can drive deep. It wasn’t the position I had in mind when I saw her ponytail earlier tonight, but damn if I care now.

Her moans and wails are the perfect soundtrack to what’s happening, and I’m blacking out she feels so good. Slim legs wrap around my waist. She’s straining, pushing her body against mine as I slam deeper into her core. So deep, I feel the moment her orgasm breaks, and it triggers mine.

“Amy, christ...” It’s all I can manage as my orgasm explodes.

Her chin is raised, and my lips are at her breasts. I pull a tight nipple into my mouth and tug. She cries out, still shaking, every little clench flooding my pelvis with the most overwhelming pleasure.

Releasing her breast, I cough out a moan. It’s too good. Or I’ve been without this too long. My forehead is slick with sweat, and her body is slick with me. It’s erotic and fantastic, and I want to do it again.

Calm settles slowly on us, and I can feel her trying to withdraw, preparing to run. My order from before was lost in my frantic need to possess her, but I know what’s coming. I didn’t get a commitment before we came.

“Marcus.” She slowly twists, moving her body in an attempt to get out from under me.

I’m resting on my elbows, but I have her slim body locked against mine in a tight embrace. She feels so good against me, my cock deep inside her.

“Hang on,” I whisper, craving one more hit from that luscious mouth. Stretching up, I take it, and I feel the hesitation before she softens and kisses me back.

Her palms are on my shoulders, but she’s not pushing me away for the moment. I know it’s coming, and I’ll let her go.

But I want to know why.

* * *


Good god, Marcus Merritt is a fabulous lay. He beats Armand hands down. I wasn’t sure that was possible, as I’d decided Armand was the best lover I’d ever had... Only, now Marcus wants to hold me, and we both know that can’t happen.

My mind is still hazy from that unbelievable orgasm. His warm mouth covers mine, his talented tongue caresses mine, my body molds to his. He’s still inside me. He’s bigger than I’ve had before, and it feels... so damn good. I needed this.

Now it’s over, and I need to get dressed, collect my things. “Marcus...” I turn my chin away from his dizzying lips. “Please.”

This time he releases me, reaching down to hold the condom as he comes out. He rolls away to dispose of it, and I sit up, sliding my hands to my now-loose ponytail. My thong is stretched and hanging. We should’ve taken a moment to remove it, but with his mouth on my clit, I wasn’t thinking about anything but him finishing the job, sinking into me, taking me all the way like I knew he could.

I’d tried to dismiss Wilmington as something random made more exciting by the prospect of getting caught, but I couldn’t do that tonight. We came together as fantastically in his bed, missionary-style, securely far from any interruption, as we did in that tiny billiards room with me sitting on a bar stool—then slammed against the wall. Oh, god. The memory nearly weakens my resolve. Get a grip, Amy.

Standing, I slide my useless undergarment down my hips and scoop my bra off the floor before heading out to the living room where I left my clothes in a black pile. Marcus will be following me in seconds, so I scoop the entire bundle off the floor and head to the small bathroom near the entrance.

A quick cleanup, and all my clothes are back on. I texted the Uber service using my phone the moment I entered the lavatory. A car will be waiting out front in ten minutes or less.

Pressing my eyes closed, I flinch, knowing what’s on the other side of the door. Still, I have to leave Marcus’s half-bath at some point. Deep breath, turn the knob.

We just had mind-blowing sex, yet the sight of him leaning against his couch, smiling, now wearing a loose green V-neck tee and jeans, sends tingling shock waves through my stomach.

“Ready to see the website?” His voice is playful, and panic simmers in my throat. “I’ve got a bottle of pinot gris and some cold cuts. It’s not much, but I could whip up an antipasti spread.”

Tags: Tia Louise One to Hold Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025