One to Chase (One to Hold 7) - Page 19

Martini finished, I just say it. “I wasn’t cramming an agenda when I left.”

The statement freezes her mid-bite. Anger flashes in those cold brown eyes and her voice is flat. “Don’t you go there, Amy Knight. Don’t you dare. We both know why you left.”

How many years has it been, and we haven’t moved a step away from the past? “This place had become too poisonous.”

“You poisoned it. Why did you even come back?”

Glancing around, I lift my bag off my chair. This enormous room feels like it’s closing in on me, and I need to get outside where I can breathe.

“I’ll pay up front,” I say, placing my napkin beside my plate and standing.

“Answer my question, Amy Knight.”

All the weight of the past presses down on my shoulders, but the last ten days cemented my decision. “I came back for Sylvia.”

She can’t counter that, and I don’t wait for her to try. So many times I should have thought of my mother first. I should have prioritized her needs. I’m here for her now, and I’m not going anywhere. No matter how badly Karen wants me to leave, or what she might do to get her revenge.

It takes five seconds to cross from here to the exit.

I’m going to make it in three.

* * *


I lean back in my leather chair and study my desk clock. It’s noon. How long should I wait... Forty-five minutes? An hour? More?

Brunch at eleven-thirty. Knowing women, they’re probably chatting, catching up. Propping my feet up on the edge of my desk, I stare at the coffered ceiling remembering her smile, the way she looked at the bar—laughing, her eyes sparkling. The light tips of her hair danced around her shoulders the same way they did when she straddled my lap.

She was so beautiful last night in that black lace bra and thong. My eyes close, and I can see her small breasts bouncing as I drove into her. They’re perfect handfuls, perfect mouthfuls.

She did it again. I didn’t make her say she wouldn’t run out on me. I tried to be a hard-ass, demand an admission of... anything. Picking up my white, Chicago Cubs stress ball, I give it a squeeze before tossing it straight up and catching it again. I was too distracted by my cock aching to be inside her to care about making her say she’d stay.

Next time...

Dropping my feet, I lean forward and snatch up my phone. It doesn’t matter what time she finishes. My text will be waiting when she checks her phone.

In my office. Run up and we can finish our talk.

Now I have to hope she checks her phone. She doesn’t seem as attached to it as most women her age. She also probably doesn’t work on weekends. I don’t consider this working, so I don’t mind being up here.

When we leased this place, I chose this office because it was the most like a living room or a home office. Research, the law, solving cases, they’re what I love, and being here feels as natural as being in my condo doing it.

The last thing I wanted was a sterile, cold workplace. Here, the chairs are comfortable, I have a nice view, I’m close to bars and coffee shops. Looking across the room, I admire the recliner and ottoman positioned in front of a wall of books. It’s warm and welcoming, an extension of my home.

The phone buzzes and I snatch it up, my pulse ticking a little faster at the prospect of seeing her again. I’m not going to hide it. Amy Knight is beautiful, smart, strong, fantastic in bed, and I’m willing to see how far this might go. Also, I’m not accustomed to chasing women. It’s something new and intriguing.

With a frown, I read the message from Kitty Donnelly. Marcus, dear, please join us at the house for dinner tonight. I need to chat with you about my nephew Oscar.

Exhaling, I dutifully type out a reply. Sure. What time?

How I’ve managed to become the go-to for all the young people trying to break into the Chicago scene, I’ll never know. I’m not a man about town. I don’t appear in the city magazines. In fact, I do everything possible to avoid being photographed with my dates at events. It keeps my personal life personal. And real. No publicity-seeking, social climbers throwing themselves at me.

Would 7 work for you?

See you then.

Truthfully, dinner with Paul and Kitty will be a nice distraction from hanging around thinking about her. Amy Knight is interesting enough to warrant a little pursuit, but I won’t be made a fool.

Tags: Tia Louise One to Hold Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025