One to Chase (One to Hold 7) - Page 75

“Don’t look so worried. You actually finished whatever you started at Studio O.” Confusion is clear on my face, and she continues. “Whatever Amy Knight did to Karen, it must’ve been pretty bad because the idea of you screwing around with her while you’re supposed to be dating me turned us into instant besties.”

I can’t hide my grimace. “I can’t think of anything worse.”

“I know!” She laughs off my disgust. “I’m considering using the opportunity to tell her what I really think of her bullshit.”

“Hang on...” I have to hand it to Paige, every word she’s said has knocked me off balance since she walked through the door. “What about your future children?”

“Which leads us to the second thing that happened after you disappeared.”

“Which was—?”

“I met the most amazing man.” She blinks down, but not before I catch the glow in her eyes. Her expression likely mirrors mine when I think of Amy. “Anyway, as a result, Karen can go straight to hell.”

I know I should be pissed at her for stealing my time on a ploy that she has obviously abandoned, but I’m not. I’m truly happy for her.

“Good for you. Anyone I know?”

“Possibly.” She gives me a little grin. “We spent Saturday night together and all day yesterday.”

“Wait.” My brow lines as I recall taking her back to her condo following the gala. “I took you home—”

“And I called a car and went to the Drake. He’s staying in the presidential suite.”

“Damn, girl.” Rubbing my chin, I have to hand it to her. “You didn’t need me at all.”

“Not true. I wouldn’t have been at the gala without you.” She looks over my shoulder, out the window. “Thank you for that. For the past weeks.”

“For Saturday night and Sunday? You’re very welcome.”

A naughty grin slides across her lips. “I’m no

t used to finding a man who can keep up with me.”

“I know you’re not talking about me.” Sleeping with Paige was a bridge I would not cross as long as Amy was a possibility.

Her eyes twinkle, and she even laughs. “I am not. I’m here today to, quote, end things with you, even though everyone presumes I’m angry, which I’m not.”

“That’s a relief.” I give her a wink. “After that?”

“He has his own situation to resolve, then he’s headed to New York on business. I’ll accompany him as far as Manhattan and see where we go from there.”

Watching her sit across from me, exuding confidence in her navy dress and snakeskin heels, I have to repeat what I’ve already said before. “You never needed me. You’re fine all by yourself.”

“We all need somebody. Figuring out who we can trust is the primary battle.” She stands and picks up her clutch. “Let me know if I can ever return the favor.”

I stand and hold out my hand. “Take care of yourself.”

She smiles and we shake. A flick of blonde hair, and she’s out my door, leaving me with one thing on my mind—Amy.

Chapter 17: Full Tilt


I still haven’t figured out what to do by Monday. For starters, I’ve sent out so many feelers saying I’m doing PR work, I can’t switch gears without raising suspicion. Especially when the only PR job I’ve done is with Marcus.

I suppose I could simply turn down the job with Dickerson, Cox, and Broadhead—the very idea of working with Roland makes my skin crawl. Only, it’s a bad signal to send through the top firms in Chicago. I should be professional enough to work with anyone.

Standing in front of the coffee maker watching my mug fill, I try to picture myself being in that office. Another shiver crosses my shoulders. I don’t know what to do. Shaking my head, I pick up the now-full cup.

Tags: Tia Louise One to Hold Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025