One to Chase (One to Hold 7) - Page 80

“Not for a day at least. Possibly two.”

We both thank him. He leaves as I notice the sounds of people arriving behind me. Amy turns, and I see relief break across her face. I’m pretty sure I know who’s behind me before I look.

“Amy?” Stuart Knight’s voice cuts through the waiting area. She’s out of my arms and running to her oldest brother. “How?

?s Mom?”

She stops in front of him. The siblings don’t embrace; rather they stand facing each other in controlled concern. A beautiful, slim woman dressed in a flowing red-patterned skirt and black halter-top is at his side, holding his hand. I can only guess she’s Mariska, his fiancée, from the delicate chains draping her neck and the rings on almost every finger. She matches Elaine’s description perfectly. She also doesn’t hesitate to step forward and give Amy a warm hug.

“I can’t imagine how frightened you were.” Releasing the hug, her hands drop to hold Amy’s.

I wait as Amy fills them in on what the doctor just told us, joining them slowly, not wanting to cloud the issue with my presence.

Glancing up, Stuart sees me and smiles. “Marcus.” He clasps my hand in a firm shake. “I should’ve expected to find you helping out in a crisis. I didn’t know you and Amy were friends.”

The last time Stuart and I were together, we worked to keep his best friend and business partner Derek Alexander out of prison. I actually like and respect him quite a bit, despite his former-Marine, imposing personality.

“I-I called him.” Amy’s voice trails off as if she’s not sure how to finish her sentence.

He’s unfazed. “Thanks for coming.” Releasing my hand, he puts an arm around Mariska.

“Glad to help.” As much as I’d like to put my arm around his sister, I don’t.

Knowing what I know about the elder Knight, it’s possible he’ll be a bit protective of Amy and suspicious of my motives. I’m prepared to ease his mind, stand up to his grilling, but now isn’t the time.

“The doctor said she has to stay a day or two,” Amy’s voice is weak from all she’s been through. I ache to hold her the way I held her when it was just us, but... well, see above.

“You must be starving!” Mariska’s cries. “Have you eaten today?”

Amy blinks to her and seems to realize. “No, actually. We were having our morning coffee when it happened.”

The young woman turns to me, and I know what she’s thinking.

“Good idea,” I say. “Mariska and I can step out and get food for you—for all four of us?”

“I’m not sure I can eat.” Amy leans back before sitting in the chair.

“Get us all something. Amy will eat.” Her brother is all tense muscles and intimidation, but she’s clearly accustomed to his personality.

“I’ll try to find something light.” We start to leave, and again, I long to give her a parting embrace. “We won’t be long.”

Chapter 18: Green Light


Patrick arrives while Marcus and Mariska are out getting food. It’s afternoon as my middle brother dashes through the waiting room. Marcus was an enormous comfort, but having both my brothers here lifts the pressure off me completely. I’m so incredibly thankful Sylvia’s going to be okay.

Elaine follows close behind, and I can’t help searching for anything about her that’s like Marcus, from her tight smile to her green eyes. Marcus’s eyes are hazel. His complexion is a bit darker.

Patrick called as soon as they landed, and we’d quickly explained Sylvia’s condition and eased his fears. Still, he’s quick to hug me. It’s one of the reasons I’ve always felt closest to him.

“How you holding up?” He rubs a strong hand up and down my back. “You must’ve been freaking the flip out.”

My brow crinkles as I pull back. “Interesting choice of words, big brother.”

He chuckles and leans into my ear. “Fucking swear jar is about to break me.”

I exhale a laugh, so happy he’s here. Elaine’s cool hand slides across my arm.

Tags: Tia Louise One to Hold Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025