One to Chase (One to Hold 7) - Page 98

“Roland is having his jaw wired shut.” Her cold voice drips with evil intent, but hello, I’m not afraid anymore.

I pick up a pork-fried almond from the small cup on the table. “Maybe he’ll lose weight.”

For the first time in years, I feel exonerated. C.J. always insisted something bad must’ve happened for me to sleep with Roland, but I never believed him. Now I know he was right.

Karen leans closer, her dark hair sliding over one shoulder. It’s interesting how she might be pretty if she weren’t such a bitch.

“Marcus Merritt is going to pay for what he did. Taking up with you just makes it that much easier.”

With those words, she neuters my newfound confidence. The suggestion that I could be a liability to Marcus increases my shame. She sees it on my face, and I hate the gleam of power reflected in her dark eyes.

“You should have never come back,” she hisses. “You should have kept running.”

“Why, Karen!” A bright voice from behind causes her to slowly straighten and turn.

I glance up to see Paige Goldfarb striding toward us. Her hair’s pulled back in a messy-chic French twist, and she’s wearing a slim-cut violet suit. Her eyes shine as if she’s having the time of her life, and I can’t help being curious.

“You’re not going to believe what I saw last night at China Girl. I’ve been dying to tell you about it!” Her voice is too loud for the small restaurant.

Karen’s brow clutches, and her dark eyes flit around the diners, who are turning in our direction. “Roland was attacked by your ex-boyfriend, if that’s what you mean.”

“Oh, what I saw happened before all that.” Paige is still speaking in a loud, clear voice, and she puts a hand on her hip. Confidence emanates from her. “Armand and I decided to walk up from the Drake, and what do you think we passed in the alley?”

She hits the word so hard, I’m on the edge of my seat wanting to know. I don’t miss my opponent’s change in demeanor. Her eyes blink too quickly, and her hands slide down the rope-design on the front of her burgundy dress.

“I have no idea. It was a busy night.”

“Let me refresh your memory.” The beautiful blonde has everyone’s attention now. “You were up against that dirty, filthy brick wall with what looked like Troy Cox between your legs just-a pumping away!”

Page laughs, but rage flashes in Karen’s eyes. Her hand shoots out to grip Paige’s forearm. “Lower your voice!” she hisses.

“Am I talking loud?” Mock surprise is on Paige’s face as she looks around the restaurant, and I might have fallen in love with her in that moment.

Karen’s voice rises to match hers. “That’s just like the kind of filthy lie an ex-stripper would make up. Just because you have money now doesn’t make you one of us.”

“I have no interest in being one of you.” Paige is all force as she leans into Karen’s face. “Everyone thought Roland’s long-overdue ass-kicking was the biggest story of the night. Good thing I had my camera ready.”

She holds up the device, and Karen slaps it out of Paige’s hand. “You won’t show that to anyone!”

A sharp stomp, and it crunches beneath Karen’s chunky square heel. I can’t help a gasp. The maître d’ makes his way quickly in our direction, I’m sure hoping to head off a potential catfight.

Paige’s eyes light. “Thanks for confirming my story. It’s backed up to the cloud, dumbass.” Then her voice goes low, menacing. “As much as I’m sure Marcus Merritt would welcome a face-off against you, you’d better listen up.” A well-manicured fingernail pokes Pill-butt right in the chest. “The second you try to hurt him, I’ll forward all six shots to every gossip site in town. And I got some great angles.”

My eyes catch sight of the sexy lawyer I’m waiting for just as Karen’s sputtering begins. “If you dare slander me in any way, you’ll wish you never moved out of the trailer park!” She’s acting tough, but fear is in her voice. I love it.

“I’ll send you the bill for my phone.” Paige turns her back just as Marcus reaches our table.

“Paige?” He glances from her to Karen, who’s hastily retreating, then to me. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing for you to worry about.” Paige pats his chest and gives his cheek a quick peck before starting to go. His confused eyes meet my gleeful ones, but she stops and comes back. “And Amy?”

“Yes?” I’m slightly nervous at what she might say to me.

She doesn’t seem to notice. “I’m so glad to meet you.” My brow lines as I take her extended hand. Maybe this has something to do with Armand? I have to confess, she suits him better than I ever did.

“It’s nice to meet you, too.” I mean those words, and I notice Marcus’s arms cross. I can’t wait to fill him in.

“Be sure he tells you why we were together,” she says. “He’s a good guy, and I’m sorry if I interfered with your relationship.”

Tags: Tia Louise One to Hold Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025