One to Chase (One to Hold 7) - Page 102

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The Japanese restaurant is out near where Amy and I had our first “business dinner” together, so I offer to drive. We’re in my Audi headed for I-94 in a few turns, and I’m waiting for him t

o say it. It was pretty impossible for Amy and I to hide our feelings, and Patrick was right there to bust us.

We’re on the Interstate when he gets to the point. “You sleeping with my sister?”

My eyes cut over quickly, and when I catch his stern expression, I can’t help a laugh. “I expected this from Stuart, not you.” Patrick has always been the more laid-back of the Knight brothers.

“I doubt he’ll think it’s funny either.”

That straightens me up, and to be honest, I like his big-brother guard-dog routine. I was the same way about Elaine—as much as she’d let me be.

So I put all my cards on the table. “I’m in love with your sister.”

“Why? You haven’t known her long.”

“True,” I nod. “But we’ve spent a lot of time together. We’ve shared a lot, and I’m pretty confident we’re right for each other.”

He doesn’t answer right away. Instead, he glances out the window a moment. “Amy’s a pretty girl—”

“She’s a beautiful woman,” I correct him.

Hazel eyes cut to me, and despite his surfer good looks, I see protective fire in his eyes. “She’s still young, and she’s had some tough shit to overcome.”

“She told me.”

He’s quiet again, and we’re at the restaurant now.

“Look, I don’t mind getting this.” I’m out before he can stop me.

It doesn’t take long to get the two bags of takeout, pay, and have us headed back into downtown. He doesn’t speak for much of the way, and I try to think of what I can say to ease his mind. At least I have the advantage of knowing what I’d want for Elaine if the tables were turned.

“I appreciate that I’m a bit older than Amy—”

“Ten years?”

“Right, but I think of that as more an argument in my favor.” My eyes flicker across the dark space to him and then back to the road. “Elaine will tell you. I’ve never been interested in having a serious relationship or settling down.”

Amy’s “Not settling. Flying.” proclamation crosses my mind, and I can’t help a smile. Too much love is in my chest.

“Patrick, believe me when I say I’m in love with your sister. I’ll do everything in my power to keep her happy. I’ll fight any asshole who threatens her... Before long, I intend to ask her to marry me.” He clears his throat, but I keep going. “It’s the only way I can guarantee I’ll make the rest of her life as fulfilled and transformative as she’s made mine. I know she’s your sister, but Patrick, she’s everything to me. I don’t want to live without her.”

Again, quiet fills the car. We’re getting closer to Sylvia’s building, and I don’t want to leave this conversation unfinished. I ease up on the accelerator, giving him time to process everything I just said. Hell, I need time to process everything I just said. I hadn’t even taken the time to be that honest with myself, let alone someone else. But I meant every single fucking word.

Finally, he seems to cave. “Good to know,” he says, nodding. “I realize you’re Elaine’s brother, and we’re somewhat connected, but don’t think I won’t kick your ass if you hurt my sister.”

Exhaling a chuckle, I nod back. “If I ever hurt Amy, I hope you kick my ass into next year.”

“Don’t worry.”

I can’t delay our drive anymore, so I parallel park on the street out front. He takes one of the two bags. I grab the other and press the buzzer for them to let us in. We’re riding up in the elevator when he extends a hand to me.

“Welcome to the family.”

Our eyes meet, and I see him ready to smile. I catch his hand and shake it, smiling back. “Thanks, bro. You’re already in mine.”

Tags: Tia Louise One to Hold Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025