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A Player for A Princess

Page 78

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Smokey hazel eyes move to my breasts. “I might have to get a head start on unwrapping you. Those perfect tits are causing a rise down below.”

My eyes narrow as I trace a finger across the top of my cleavage. “Don’t be too long.”

He grins and shakes his head. “You’re killing me.”

Laughing, I look out over the crowd as he disappears in the direction of the bar. It’s impossible to recognize anyone, and I can’t stop a touch of anxiety filtering through my stomach. It would be the perfect opportunity for a criminal…

“You look amazing.” A deep voice interrupts my thoughts.

I look up to see a tall, muscular male in a white pirate style shirt and black leather vest and pants standing beside me. His mask is simple black, and his head is uncovered.

“Logan?” I lean closer, examining his eyes.

“You guessed right,” he teases gently. His smile reveals straight, white teeth. “You know me too well.”

“I recognize your eyes.” I point toward his face then glance around us. “Is Freddie with you? Is he a pirate as well?”

“I haven’t seen Freddie tonight,” the handsome guard says. “Would you like to dance?”

For a moment, I hesitate. Cal asked me to wait here, and in this mob of masked dancers, it might be hard to find each other again. At the same time, I’m sure he wouldn’t care if I had an innocent dance with Logan.

“Can we stay in this general vicinity?” I move my white-satin gloved hand in a little circle toward the floor.

“Of course.” His arms go around me, and in that moment, I’m not sure it’s such an innocent dance for Logan. “You’re almost never alone,” he says, his lips just brushing the top of my ear.

My hand is on his large bicep, and I clear my throat wishing the song would hurry up and end. “I guess Ava and I are pretty inseparable. And Cal is usually—”

“It will be your life if you move here to live in the palace.”

Leaning away, I meet his blue eyes. They’re heated and serious. “You’re right,” I say with a friendly smile. “But we’re not planning to move here.”

His body tenses, and his dark brow lowers. “Where will you go?”

I don’t know why I feel guilty all of a sudden. “We’re staying in Tortola. Cal… bought the villa we were renting. It’s where we want to live.”

He’s quiet, and his face turns away, toward the crowd. The muscle in his square jaw moves. “You deserve better than that,” he says quietly. “He’s putting you in danger again.”

My insides tighten, but I manage to laugh. “You do remember I’m a con artist and a thief, right? I think I’m getting a better deal than I’ve ever deserved.”

Blue eyes return to mine, and the emotion I see there puts a knot in my throat. “You can’t see yourself like I do.” I start to pull away, but his arms tighten around me. “I’m sorry,” he says quickly, recovering. “I shouldn’t have spoken so plainly. It’s just that—we spent a lot of time searching for you. I don’t want to feel like it was in vain.”

In vain… I think about Tortola. I think about the beach club and Logan bringing us food. I remember the night Cal rescued me, and how Logan was there as well. We’re not moving, and I’m pretty sure the song has ended.

“I’m so sorry, Logan,” I say quietly. “I never thanked you for all you did to help Cal find me.”

His arms lower, and he steps back. “You never have to thank me. No one could have kept me from helping find you.”

“Still, I never expressed my personal gratitude. You sacrificed time, and I’m sure it was very dangerous.”

This time when our eyes meet, his flash with something like frustration. “I only want to be sure you’re safe before… Before I turn in my resignation.”

“What?” My eyes widen. “But you’re Cal’s best man! You and Freddie have been with him since—”

“I need a change of scenery.” His voice lowers. “It’s difficult to keep watch over you like I did before, without…”

His voice trails off, and embarrassment clenches my chest. I remember how the guards are always with us, no matter where we are or what we’re doing. What Cal and I are always doing.

“I understand.” Nodding, I feel the burn in my cheeks. At the same time, I hate to be the reason Cal’s special unit is divided. “What if you requested another role? A reassignment?” I’m not sure what I’m talking about. “It would be better than your leaving—”

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