Here With Me - Page 3

“I guess I understand.” Mindy’s still thinking about her problem.

Reaching over, I pat her shoulder. “If you ever need somebody to talk to, just come to me. I’ll take care of you.”

She looks up at me, and her green eyes fill with an emotion I half recognize. Trust. I’d remember it better if I weren’t doing my best to fight the panic settling on my skin like cold rain.

Sheriff Gautreaux stands on our front porch with Ed Daniels beside him. They both have that look on their faces—stony, preparing for what’s about to happen.

The fish in the back of my truck are forgotten as I climb out of the cab. Whatever brought them here is like a bad storm rolling in. It’s in the air around me, metallic on my tongue.

The sheriff is the first one to speak. “Sawyer, we need to talk to you, son.”


My insides clench, and my breath gets tight. A small hand slips into mine, and I look down. Beside me, Mindy’s brow is furrowed, her green eyes meet mine.

Somehow as small as she is, having her here beside me, holding my hand, I’m able to catch my breath. “Yes, sir?”

“It’s your daddy.” His voice is the same as the night he told us Mamma died. The knot between my shoulder blades twists tighter with every word. “We found him up on the old dirt road… I’m sorry.”

My daddy died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. They found him in the same place they found my mamma.

I guess he got tired of waiting for her.

I guess he decided she was too much to lose.

I guess he forgot about us.

Roaring fills my ears like a hurricane, destroying everything, and sweeping it all away. My parents, my home…


Not my home.

I won’t let that happen.

Whatever it takes, I’ll hold us together.

Mindy’s small hand tightens around mine, and she holds me, an anchor in the middle of the storm.

I said I’d take care of her, and she’s standing here trusting me—they all are.

Old for my age.

That day changed everything, but she stood beside me. A girl who turned out to be stronger than I knew, a girl who would hold my hand in the darkest hour.

A girl who would change my life.

It all started the day I thought I’d lost everything…



Present Day

Sawyer’s mouth slides across mine, slippery and warm. I pull his bottom lip gently with my teeth, and he groans, low and hungry. Warm energy floods my core.

Reaching between us, I move my hand up and down the hard rod in his jeans, curling my fingers so he can feel my nails through the fabric.

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025