Here With Me - Page 48

“You can’t even see me.” I go to where she’s sitting in a chair by the window.

“I heard your voice in the hall. Even a blind lady can recognize that tone. You were with a man last night.” Her bright eyes sparkle, and I’m glad she can’t see me blushing.

“I’m excited about our plans for today, and it’s Saturday…”

“And you had a date last night with the man you love.”

“Here. Be careful.” I help her to the wheelchair so I can roll her to the activity center. “Keep your voice down because he’s here today.”

“I thought you said Deacon was going to Dallas this weekend.” Miss Jessica joins us in the hall. “He changed his mind?”

“I don’t think so.” I’m confused for a second, but my insides warm when I look up to see Sawyer waiting at the reception desk with one hand in his pocket.

He left me early this morning with a kiss and a cuddle to be at his place when everyone woke up. Now he’s here in a dark tee with those jeans that hug his ass.

“Is that Sawyer LaGrange?” Miss Jessica frowns.

“Sawyer LaGrange?” Mrs. Irene turns her head in my direction. “Well, I’ll be dogged.”

Leaning down, I speak in her ear. “Wait here a second.”

“Why is he here?” Miss Jessica seems worried, and I assume she’s thinking of Noel.

I smile and hold up my hands. “He’s helping me get some boxes out of storage.”

“Among other things.” Mrs. Irene’s voice has a lilt I choose to ignore.

“What other things?” Miss Jessica looks around. “What did I miss?”

“Apparently a lot. We all did…”

They’re still speculating as I catch Sawyer’s arm and pull him into the sitting room. “Hey, you made it.”

I give him a quick hug, and he kisses the side of my cheek. “I said I was coming.”

He grins, and that dimple appears. I’m pretty sure I’m floating on air right now.

“Let me get the ladies set up in the activity room, and I’ll show you where everything is.”

“Want me to come with you?”

I look to where Mrs. Irene and Miss Jessica are watching us with a mixture of curiosity and glee.

“I don’t know. Some of these old ladies can be a bit eccentric.”

“I can handle old ladies.” He puts his hand on my lower back, and my stomach tightens. “I’m coming with you.”



“Sawyer LaGrange!” Miss Jessica steps forward and catches my hand. “I haven’t seen you since April.”

I lean down to kiss her cheek. “You haven’t been to the house in a while.”

Noel and Miss Jessica formed a friendship when our great-aunt was still alive and living in this nursing home. Miss Jessica would use Noel’s cosmetics, then she gave my sister her old feed shed to turn into a store.

“Are you just as handsome as ever?” Mrs. Irene turns her head in our direction.

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025