Here With Me - Page 52

“I guess it’s not over til it’s over.”

“For them, it should be over.” I slide my hand across his lap into his hand.

At least I can hold his hand, threading his fingers with mine. The fountain sprays in the air, and the water falls in a soothing trickle. It’s hot and still out here, and sweat rolls down my back under my sundress.

He finally puts his arm around me. “I’m sorry I left you like that.” I feel his lips press against the top of my head, and I close my eyes. Relief tingles under my skin in spite of it all.

“Just tell me next time, okay?” My voice is soft, and my hold on his hand tightens. “I was worried about you.”

He looks down at me, and his face relaxes into a smile. “You’re pretty cute, you know that?”

He tugs one of the tendrils that’s slipped out of my hair, which I hastily piled on top of my head in a messy bun.

I pull my hand out of his and push on my knees to stand. “Puppies are cute.”

He rises beside me and catches me around the waist. “What’s wrong with puppies?”

“Nothing, I just don’t want to be one.” My palms rest against his chest, and I lean up to kiss the side of his neck. “You’re sweaty. Want to go for a swim?”

“Raincheck. I need to get back to the house. See you later tonight?”

I’m a little disappointed. I’d love nothing more than to be in that pond with him, rubbing my naked, wet body against his. Maybe I could get him to crack the door to that dungeon in his heart a little wider.

But I can work with later. “I’ll leave my window unlocked.”

He leans down and gives me a kiss, firm and possessive. His arms tighten, pulling me closer against him. It’s almost painful as his lips push mine apart. His tongue finds mine, curling together, and my panties ignite. My hands slide up to his neck, into his soft hair. I rise onto my toes, and I want to climb him like a tree.

We break apart, and his eyes are dark again, stormy. He’s not smiling, and the relief I felt a moment ago evaporates. “Thanks for checking on me.”

“Of course.” My voice is soft, and I hold his neck. “Had to make sure my best guy was okay.”

He flinches, and I feel like I said the wrong thing. Turning away, he leads me back across the field to his waiting truck and drives us back to the house.

“I’ve been on YouTube all day watching videos.” Ma’s been talking nonstop about bees since she got home. “Tomorrow you can help me install the new package.”

I’ve got to hand it to Deacon. I’m not sure my ma even knew what YouTube was a month ago. “Not a chance. Those little guys don’t like me.”

She stops in the middle of the kitchen, her face suddenly serious. “Bees do not have emotions. I told you it was the perfume you were wearing. Which by the way, is very sensual. Are you sexually active, Melinda Claire?”

“Good lord, Ma!” I’m not sure whether to laugh or hide.

“I only want to be sure you’re practicing safe sex. Deacon is a nice boy, but I’m not sure he’s planning to live in Harristown.”

Oh my God, can I say this out loud? “I’m not sleeping with Deacon, and anyway, I’m twenty-six. You’re a little late for the sex talk.”

She straightens, waving away my embarrassment. “You’re a grown woman, Melinda Claire. We should be able to have these conversations if we need to.”

Sweet baby Jesus, please don’t let this be a sign of things to come. “So how was your trip?”

She’s digging in the refrigerator. “I got hung up in Ferriday, and there’s a speed trap in Vidalia. Still, I got there in about four hours.”

“You should’ve gone through Jackson to I-55.”

“I don’t like driving on the Interstate.” She puts the plastic container of my disastrous eggplant casserole on the counter. “What’s this?”

“A nightmare.” I put my hands on my hips. “I followed your recipe for eggplant parm, and it tastes like vomit.”

She frowns at me. “You didn’t follow my recipe.”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025