Here With Me - Page 101

“Sawyer!” Her empty hand goes to her chest, and she’s breathing fast. “You scared the shit out of me.”

“Sorry.” I can’t stop a laugh. She’s so damn cute. “I was enjoying the show.”

“What are you doing here?”

“I brought lunch.” I drop the bag of burgers and fries on the desk. “Noel said you were still unpacking, so I figured I’d help out.”

Her green eyes go from the bag to me, and she puts the book she’s still holding on her desk. “That’s really thoughtful. Thank you.”

“You should probably lock the door if you’re not expecting anyone.”

“Don’t want to scare away the customers.”

I glance towards the parking lot. “Is this a walk-in type of place?”

“Are you my dad?” Her voice is sassy, and I hold up a hand.

“Forget I said anything.”

Reaching in the bag, she pulls out the food and spreads it on the counter top. She pops a fry in her mouth and leans on her elbows. “Want to see the place?”

I grab a fry and nod. “Sure. Give me the grand tour.”

“Here it is.” She steps back spreading out her hands then takes another fry. “Waiting area there, although you’re right. It’s not like a salon or a doctor’s office. I don’t really get walk-in business.”

“It’s very professional.”

It’s a four-hundred-square-foot space with a desk in the back. A large Apple computer sits on top, and the walls are covered in her Peach Festival posters and a picture of Noel with Dove in the peach orchard.

“That’s cute.”

“It’s from her website. A few of the guys in Dallas liked the personal touch, so I figured it made a good centerpiece.” She starts toward the back of the room, and I hesitate, not sure if I should follow. “Back here is the storage closet.”

I can’t see past her down the narrow hallway, but I hear the clink of her pulling the light on. “I put all my old boxes back here until I can break them down…”

Roaring is in my ears, and I can’t follow her. My stomach churns, and I brace my palm against the wall, doing my best to calm my breathing. Mindy is far away, inside the dusty room I can’t approach.

You can control this. I hear Dr. Curtis in my


Closing my eyes, I remember all the work we did, the progress we made. Anger tries to surge in my chest. I hate that I still feel this weak and powerless, but I don’t let the anger win. I think about Mindy.



“It’s just some old shelves and the previous tenant left a bunch of painting supplies.” She jerks the light off and closes the door, giving it a hard yank. “The door sticks.”

She rejoins me in the office, and I focus on her words. “Old paint supplies? Anything you can use?”

“No, it’s just some old rags and brush cleaner, that type if thing. I need to get rid of it.”

“I’ll help you.” It’s the best I can offer. I need fresh air and light, so I go to the glass doors, glancing at the empty parking lot. “Any neighbors?”

“Not yet. Jeff said they were talking to a packaging company about moving in at the end of the month, so maybe a UPS store?”

My head starts to clear as I study her surroundings, and I don’t care for her working in this remote location all alone. “Do you keep late hours?”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025