Here With Me - Page 116

“It has to be.”

By ten o’clock, the temperature is already dangerously cold. We waited as long as we could to start up everything not wanting to run out of fuel for the night and the morning. Luckily, it’s a fast-moving front, and it’s supposed to warm up again by tomorrow evening. We’ll still use the turbines to be safe.

“I don’t see why I need to sleep out here in the trees.” Mindy holds my waist, and she’s as whiny as my sister.

Still, she kisses the side of my neck, and I’m ready to wrap up the business part of this event and get to the good part.

“I set up a tent for us, and we even have a double air mattress.” Her cute little nose wrinkles, and I kiss the tip. “It’ll be like camping.”

“What if you camp out here, and I sleep in the house with Noel and Dove?”

“Dove and Boo set up a princess camp with pink air mattresses and purple sleeping bags over by Taron and Noel.”

“Kids have no nerve endings.”

I chuckle tugging her along with me.

We have a brief meeting with the volunteer helpers. Everyone is equipped with their phones and a two-way radio for backup. We’re all assigned to our stations, and following a quick thanks, we walk slowly to our places.

My sister almost spoils my surprise when she sidles up to me. “I’ve got you covered, boss. Make me proud.”

Mindy’s brow arches. “What was that all about?”

“You know Noel.” I exhale, trying to think of how to end that and coming up blank.

Mindy lets it pass, which is odd. She’s like a bird dog when it comes to secrets these days. Come to think of it, she’s been pretty quiet all day herself.

“You okay?” I lean my head back to inspect her pretty face.

“Of course! Why would you say that?” She blinks fast as if I’ve caught her hand in the cookie jar.

Now I’m really suspicious, but we’re at the tent. Inside, I’ve got the place prepared for my big moment, so I choose to let it go for now.

“You know, it’s not as cold as I expected with those heaters going.”

“Hang on, before you go inside.” I turn her to face me, looking down on her pretty face so full of love. I don’t know if it’s the yellow light of the heaters, but she seems to glow. Taking both her hands in mine, I smile. “I want you to close your eyes.”

Her nose scrunches, but she does as I ask. I guide her carefully through the doors of the tent to where I’ve arranged a small table with LED tea lights and a bucket of champagne. A bouquet of red roses is at her place, and I lead her to sit on the large pillow on the ground.

Digging in my pocket, I take out the black velvet box and take a knee in front of her. “Now open your eyes.”

She ducks her head just before doing what I say, which makes me love her a little more. When her eyes open, they go wide, and her hands cover her mouth.

“Sawyer!” She gasps. “It’s so beautiful! Did you do all this?”

Shrugging, I confess. “Noel helped me.”

Her wide eyes return to mine, and tears glisten in them. She’s too smart for me, so I step up the pace.

“Melinda Claire, I’ve known you all your life, but it wasn’t until just recently I discovered you are my life.” A crystal tear hits her cheek, and I slide it away with my thumb. “I put you through a lot, but you never wavered. You’ve always been my constant.”

She smiles, putting her hands over mine.

“For a long time, I didn’t think I’d ever be able to say these words to you. I thought I was too damaged, and I decided I’d rather lose you than chain you to a man who would only break your heart.” Dropping my chin, I laugh bitterly. “I nearly broke both of us with that stupid decision.”

“No.” She whispers, kissing my cheek. “Don’t say bad things about the man I love.”

Our eyes meet, and it’s a flash of love so true, I cut the stalling. “I’m better now. I waited to be sure, and after the fire I knew.” Taking out the black box, I open it. “Will you be my wife? Will you stay here with me?”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025