Dirty Thief - Page 27

“Apparently, he only used this particular wallet for one thing.” Another pulse of rage tightens my stomach. “He kept her picture in it… and the pictures of three other girls.”

Freddie and André both look at me confused, but I won’t elaborate. Ava trusted me with her story, and I don’t have her permission to share it.

“She said she wanted her picture back. The rest she discovered later.”

Freddie rocks back in his chair. A shiny pen is in his hand, and he clicks it a few times as we’re quiet, thinking. “Do you want to return the money?”

“I haven’t decided.” Walking back to the window, I think about Freddie’s question, about what I know. I think about Ava’s plans for the money, and the mysterious death of one of the girls. “It will be difficult to protect her from the gossip if we do something so obvious.”

“Something is on your mind, or you wouldn’t have called us here,” André says.

“One of the girls was recently killed.” They both sit a little straighter at that news. “She was strangled to death during a robbery.”

Freddie’s fingers are moving over the keys, and André turns to me. “So he is looking for his money.”

“It was my first thought. Ava hasn’t put the two things together.”

“Why not?” Freddie’s voice is full of disbelief.

“She thinks he would have come after her sooner if he knew she had it.” Quietly, I add, “She doesn’t know he was in prison.”

“What do you want us to do?” André asks.

“It’s possible she’s right,” I say with a shrug. “However, I’m not going to take that chance. Freddie, I want you to keep a watch on Vega at all times. I want daily updates on his whereabouts and his behavior. Do you have the tracking app we used to find Kass?”

He takes out his smartphone and touches the face. “We have the queen regent already in the system.”

Reaching into my pocket, I take out my phone. “Sync it with mine. I want to be able to see her.” Freddie takes the device and configures it. “For the time being, Hajib will be her only driver.”

“I’ve set up an alert on his name,” Freddie says. “If any reports surface involving him, I’ll know.”

“For now, we’ll monitor the situation,” I say, slipping my phone in my pocket as I go to the door. “I want to know the moment anything changes.”

Back in our bedroom, Ava is no longer curled in the fetal position. She’s stretched out with her hand extending to my side of the bed. Stripping out of my clothes, I slide through the sheets, lifting her hand and placing it on my chest. She doesn’t stir, and I study her face, relaxed and dreaming. Her eyelids flicker.

I try to imagine her living on the street, stealing food or personal belongings to survive. She’s so beautiful and elegant now. She’s so kind. I think of her with the orphans, her compassion.

“I will not let anyone hurt you, my love,” I whisper. “We’ll sort out your past. I’ll make this right.”

She stirs lightly, and her fingers move against my skin. I cover her hand with mine and look into the darkness, waiting for sleep to come.

Chapter 10


The next morning, I track down five more leads to send to Clare at the orphanage, all the while watching the windows on Emily and Grace. I still haven’t seen either woman coming or going from their houses. I never saw an adult photograph of Ramona. I don’t want to see her now.

My sadness over the discovery has faded slightly, but my resolve to make a plan for sending the money is stronger than ever. I don’t want them to have to pay taxes on this money. I’m not sure the right way to send such a large sum of cash. Especially overseas…

I’m thinking about the details when a bell rings out on my phone, and I pick it up to see a text waiting from Rowan.

Free this afternoon? Want to meet at the track?

Glancing at the computer screen, I decide this is enough for one day. That’s a random request. Everything okay?

Blowing off some steam. Want you there with me. Is that a yes?

Of course. We can spend the night at Occitan, I text back.

Tags: Tia Louise Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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