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Dirty Thief

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“You know, there are ways to get rid of someone if that’s what needs to happen.” The rich hum of the engine fills the space between us. “Judicial ways,” he adds.

Not quite as satisfying. I still haven’t found a way to shake my urge to murder Vega with my bare hands.

“Of course,” I say aloud. “André is helping me research. We’re gathering information to help us make a case that will stick.”

If we can’t manage that, I’m not letting legal concerns stop me.

“Just promise to let me know before you do anything drastic.” My brother’s tone is playful, but I know he’s being serious. “Something you know I would do.”

Our eyes meet, and I give him a nod.

* * *

The protective anger is still with me when we gather at Occitan, but I tamp it down. I don’t want Ava upset, and I’m not letting that Vega fucker dictate our personal time. With my brother and his family in town, it’s like the passing of the guard, and a glass or two of wine helps everyone relax.

“So the two of you are what?” Zee asks. “Two years apart?” She looks from Cal to me. “Belle is pretty active, but I can’t imagine having two teenage boys. Especially after living with this one.”

My brother starts to laugh. “What are you attempting to imply, my love?”

“What is the craziest thing the two of you have ever done?”

“You mean as in pranks or something dirtier?” Cal asks, slicing the steak in front of him and dipping it in the au jus before putting it in his mouth.

Dinner is medium-rare filet mignon and baked sweet potatoes, pearl couscous with brine shrimp, and beet salad with feta and walnuts. It’s delicious. An aged pinot noir goes with supper, and chocolate soufflé and espresso for dessert.

“Cal was more of a troublemaker than I ever was,” I say, taking a sip of my wine and relaxing in my chair.

“Nice,” my brother grumbles. “Sell me out like that. Good one.”

“I didn’t say it was a bad thing. I’m only warning in case the two of you decide to try for a son. Karma’s a bitch.”

Belle has finished her mashed sweet potatoes and couscous, and she squirms in her chair, straining for my brother. Without hesitation, he takes her from the chair and puts her on his shoulder.

“The worst thing Ro ever did was break into Clive Westingroot’s stables and let his prize stallion get loose.”

Zelda and Ava both turn wide eyes on me. “It wasn’t on purpose,” I argue. “I didn’t realize the gate didn’t latch behind me. Someone’s prized stallion wasn’t exactly on my mind at the time.”

“Lara Westingroot was the only thing on your mind at the time. You were chasing down a hummer while her father’s twenty thousand dollar Arabian was running up and down the coastline.”

Ava’s eyes go to her lap, and I give Cal a menacing glare. “I was fifteen,” I say quietly, reaching for my wife’s hand. “I found out later Miss Westingroot was not the person I thought she was.”

“Lara Westingroot?” Zelda looks around as if trying to remember. “Wasn’t she the one who had her panties in a twist because you took Ava to the Rose Gala instead of her?”

“She had entitlement issues,” I say, and Zee laughs.

“Sounds like she might have had a reason to feel entitled,” Ava says, and I don’t miss the edge in her tone.

“Okay, that was a bad example,” Cal interrupts, I suppose attempting to save his ass. I’m ready to kick it. “Zee wanted to know what it was like to have two boys so close in age. The answer is… not that bad, I think. We weren’t a lot of trouble around the house, were we, Ro?”

“We’ll have to get mother back from the spa for that one,” I say. “We didn’t damage the houses, but you were pretty good at getting caught with your pants down.”

“It was more a timing problem,” my brother laments. “I would get distracted by some pretty skirt and forget I was supposed to watch out for the damn paparazzi.”

“That’s two dollars,” Zelda scolds him.

His baby girl snuggles closer into her daddy’s neck, and he kisses her head. All at once, I see Zelda melt, and all is forgiven.

Food gone, desserts eaten, Belle is sleeping soundly on Cal’s shoulder when at last we call it a night. The sisters hug each other, and Cal and Zee take off for their end of the estate. I take Ava ‘s hand and walk slowly with her toward our side of the large house.

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