Dirty Thief - Page 52

“Why are you calling me?” Fayed asks. “As far as I can tell, Tunis is not on your watch list.”

“I wanted to be sure you understood our reasoning,” I answer. “By way of our being old friends.”

“Also, we hoped you might discuss this with Fethi,” Cal says, referencing the Turkish ambassador. “We know the two of you are close confidents.”

“It’s a difficult position you put me in, my friend.” Fayed lifts the stack of papers he has that matches mine. “However, I remember what happened at the race. You might have won.”

My shoulders relax. Jokes mean we’re making progress. “I hope the esteemed gentlemen in the room all heard that.”

“I said might.” The older prince smiles.

“Thank you, Fayed. I hope we see each other in person again very soon.”

“Off the track.”

A touch and the screen goes dark. I turn to face my brother, and he exhales loudly. “It’s the best we can hope for. If businesses are going to pull out or boycott us over this, it can’t be helped.”

“The version we finally approved is better than the one they originally sent over. Reggie was calling for a complete ban of all Turkish logistical services.”

“Is that all you needed me to do?” He glances up.

“That and confront the bastard who was bothering my wife.”

“I’ll go with you tomorrow night. We’ll meet at the bar and get rid of him. Then Zee and I can head back to Tortola.”

I can’t resist a tease. “Sure you’re not ready to move back and help me out?”

He looks up, and I’m surprised by his thoughtful answer. “Things are getting pretty complicated around here. I feel irresponsible living the island life. Still, I don’t think Zelda would go for it, and I promised her she wouldn’t have to live in the palace after we were married.”

My eyebrows rise. “You think she wouldn’t have said yes?”

“I don’t know, brother.” He shakes his head. “I really don’t know.”

“No wonder she has you so whipped.”

He glances back. “How’s that?”

“You always did lose interest when your relationships got predictable.”

“So it’s Karma?”

I pat him on the back. “It’s exactly what you want. Just let me know if you change her mind.”

* * *

Seven forty-five at the Yacht Club. I’m waiting for my unwelcome guest and tracing my finger over the rim of my tumbler of Jameson. My demeanor has completely changed. Before, I was angry and protective and ready to get rid of this lowlife. Now Ava is pregnant, and while my mood is lighter, I’m even less willing to deal with this bastard than ever before.

Cal is with me on this errand, but he has taken a seat at the bar. We decided it would be less intimidating, and the truth is, I’ve convinced myself to focus on getting rid of this guy. We have a baby on the way. Ava wants to put her past to rest. I hope I’m able to accommodate her wishes.

Noise at the front of the club draws my attention. The host looks at me and back at the idiot who forgot to wear a dinner jacket.

“I’m meeting the king!” Vega’s voice is slurry and he is as rude as ever.

“I am sorry, monsieur, proper dress code must be observed. We have several dinner jackets you may borrow if you’ll step over here.”

Cal and I exchange a look. I should have expected this. Still, it gives me time to mentally prepare for our meeting. When Vega approaches the table, I’m more disgusted than ever.

Standing, I don’t shake his hand. “You stink,” I mutter.

Tags: Tia Louise Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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