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Dirty Thief

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Not perfect in my mind, but at least it’s legal. It’s Vega’s last chance to get out of this alive, and if he continues fucking with me, I won’t hesitate to do what needs to be done. No one threatens my family.

Chapter 18


Zelda is completely reclined in her leather armchair. Belle is stomach to stomach with her mother, sound asleep and baby-snoring, which is adorable. I’m in the recliner next to them also leaned back, and we’re watching Party Girl on the palace’s home theater system. It’s Zelda’s all-time favorite Parker Posey movie, which I know because she is always telling me.

“You know, I never got bit by the movie bug like you did,” I say, stuffing a handful of movie-theater popcorn in my mouth.

“And you got the massive home theater. It’s absolutely unfair.”

“You could have it, too, if you lived in the palace.”

“Quit hogging the popcorn,” she grumbles. “I’m trapped under a very heavy toddler.”

“I’m eating for two.”

“That’s a myth.” She holds out her hand, and I shove the bucket of popcorn at her. “Although, you’ll probably do like one of those supermodels and smuggle the baby the entire time and be back in a bikini all ripped three weeks after giving birth.”

“You are so mean to me.” I reach for another handful.

“I’m very bitter. You got all the good genes.” She takes her own handful of popcorn and shoves it in her mouth. “Gene hog.”

“You’re not doing so bad. Cal loves you like crazy, and he’s wild and sexy.”

“Shh!” She hits my arm. “I love this part.”

I roll my eyes, like she hasn’t seen this movie five million times.

“Improvise. Tell her you got sick of London street fashion—all those hats,” Zelda quotes. “Natasha!”

“You lower my worth,” I say with Parker Posey. “Nigel, you lower my worth.”

“And you act like you don’t love movies.” Zelda is smug.

“Imitate a cat puking,” I tease, and she starts to laugh.

We get quiet and watch a few minutes longer. “Rowan increases my worth,” I say quietly.

Zee is right there, not letting me get away with anything as always. “You have your own worth. Rowan has nothing to do with your worth.”

I turn my head and smile, reaching out for her hand. “Still, he doesn’t lower my worth.”

“I’ll let you say it that way, but no man gives you worth. You are amazing all by yourself.”

My eyes heat, and I push up on my knees, leaning over our recliners and her zonked-out toddler to kiss her head. “I love you, Zelda Wilder. You were the best mamma I ever had.”

Of course, she frowns. “Don’t make me cry while I’m watching Party Girl.”

“I wish you would let Cal move home,” I tease, giggling as I say it. “You have no excuse. The beaches at Monagasco are just as beautiful as Tortola.”

“And crawling with paparazzi,” she answers fast.

I can’t argue with that. “Either way, I miss you. I don’t want to have a baby without you with me.”

She’s quiet a while, and Parker Posey dances on the library tables, shelving books according to the Dewey Decimal System. “Rowan will be with you when you have the baby.”

I can’t not glare at her. She exhales dramatically. “I’ll be here for you, Ava-bug. Don’t worry about it.”

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