Dirty Thief - Page 55

Leaning back in my chair, I watch the movie a few minutes longer, but my mind is across town. “Aren’t you worried about the guys meeting with Dwayne?”

“I’d be worried if I were there,” she grumbles. “Cal knew better than to even give me the chance. I would’ve done more than smash a lamp over his head this time.”

“I’m sorry I took that wallet. I wish so much I’d just left it behind.”

Her strong hand immediately clasps mine. “Stop it. That asshole tried to hurt you. You did what you did to take your power back. None of us hold any of this against you.”

“But he’s threatening all of us. He’s threatening Rowan by exposing me, he’s threatening Belle…”

“Threatening. That fucknut will never succeed at anything he pretends he can do.” She takes another handful of popcorn. “Trust me. I’ve seen the way your husband the king looks at you.”

Again, we watch the movie in silence. The sweet Lebanese guy shows up at her apartment, only to be confused by her roommate Leo. I feel sad for him.

“Mustafa is so adorable,” I sigh.

“You have such a type,” Zee says.

I don’t care. I watch the thoughtful, handsome fellow dismiss the insane crew.

“Hey, Zee?”

She makes an impatient noise. “What?”

“Do you think you get a finite amount of luck? Like you’re either lucky in love or you’re lucky in money or you’re lucky in politics… but not all three?”

“What the hell kind of question is that?”

My chest is tight, and I can’t help thinking about all the wheels in motion around us. So many things we can’t control.

“I was just thinking…”

“What kind of luck do you want?” she asks, looking over at me.

My lips twist as I chew the inside of my cheek. I think about all of it—the orphans, Dwayne, our baby, Rowan’s concerns over state matters.

“Does lucky in love mean my family is taken care of?”

Zelda looks over and smiles. “You’re the exact kind of lucky you need to be. Okay?”

Nodding, I slide down in the chair, resting my cheek on the arm.

* * *

When I open my eyes again, I’m in the bed with Rowan at my back. His warm body curls around mine, and his strong arm is over my waist. I want to wake him and ask what happened tonight. I want to ask if the nightmare is over and we can forget everything but growing the teeny little baby in my stomach.

I don’t wake him. He’s had a busy day, and I guess I have as well. Shit! In that moment, I realize I forgot to send the message to our German ambassador about Suad’s aunt. I’ve been so distracted… It’s been almost two days, and Clare will be waiting for my answer.

Lifting Rowan’s hand, I kiss it and tuck it under his pillow before slipping out of bed. Taking my robe from the floor, I wrap it around me before walking down the hall to where my laptop waits. I click on the icon to pull up the orphan tip line.

As I wait, I think about the pretty little girl. I think how happy I am she will finally be reunited with her family. The screen changes, and I see I have a new message in my inbox.

I’m reading the details when my pulse ticks faster. It’s a reply to the “Family information” email I’d deleted earlier in the week. Acid fills my stomach, as I realize it’s a message sent directly to me from Vega. With trembling hands, I move the cursor over the message, clicking it to open.

My Dear Ava,

You did not follow my instructions. I said for you to bring me the money. YOU.


Tags: Tia Louise Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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