Dirty Thief - Page 65

Please let me know if you can, and I will send a time.

Your little girl,


My stomach is churning, and I sit for a long while before I’m able to drag the cursor over to the send button. Even then, I can’t click it right away. My eyes squeeze shut, and I want to cry.

I won’t cry. This is justice and revenge and the only way to stop the dark force that keeps coming after me. Prison won’t stop him, oceans won’t stop him, money won’t stop him. It’s what I have to do.

Without even reading the message again, I move my hand and click send. No going back.

Leaning forward, I rest my forehead against my hand on the wooden tabletop. This dark task is before me, but I won’t back down from it. It’s the only way I know I will be free of him.

It takes away the closure Grace’s family will have. I’m not even sure Ramona has family. Sadness again squeezes my chest when I think of that solemn little girl and the way she died.

Shaking it off, I’m about to move to the German ambassador’s reply when my inbox lights up. Dwayne replied so fast, I might be sick.

My little Ava,

You have no idea how happy your message has made me. I have longed for you, my beautiful girl, for so many years. You were always the most beautiful one.

I will be where you ask tomorrow night. All you have to do is tell me when.


Daddy Dwayne

Swallowing the knot of disgust in my throat, I delete the message and empty my virtual trash. I’ll have to find out Rowan’s schedule tomorrow night before I know when I can sneak away. In the meantime, I can’t take the chance of anybody finding this.

Rising from the desk, I walk over to the window and look out over the sea. The sun is slowly making its way toward the horizon, and we’ll gather for dinner soon.

My gaze travels northeastward toward the remote pavilion in the woods nestled on the border between Monagasco and Italy. I’d noticed Pointe de la Veille several times on our drives to the orphanage, and on a return trip, I asked Hajib the name. I pulled it up on Google Earth and studied the area. It’s remote and hidden, and it would be the perfect place if something bad were to happen.

Putting those thoughts away for now, I cross to my computer and open the ambassador’s reply.

Your royal highness,

I am honored that you would reach out to me to help with your charitable project. The grand duke visited recently, and he shared with me the extent and limitations of your work.

I would be happy to facilitate a journey by Suad Hadid’s relative from the refuge in Germany to Monagasco, where she can collect her niece. Please let me know what I can do to help you with this humanitarian endeavor.

Your servant,

Dieter Trammel

Ambassador to Monagasco

I hear the study door open, and I look up to see my gorgeous husband leaning against the jamb watching me.

Seeing him there in view of this email, I can’t help my smile. “You’re brilliant!” I hop out of my chair and cross the room to kiss him.

Strong arms go around me, and he holds me a moment, parting his lips and touching my tongue with his. It sends a little flash of heat through me.

“I need you on the council,” he says with a grin, and I hug him again. “What brilliant thing did I do to make you so happy?”

“I just got an email from the German ambassador.” I take Rowan’s hand and pull him behind me to the desk. “I emailed him more than a week ago, and he never replied. I was preparing to make a personal visit when this appeared.”

My husband quickly scans the message and does a little nod. “Good. I’m glad that’s working out like I’d hoped it would.”

Tags: Tia Louise Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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