Dirty Thief - Page 72

“Clare will call you,” I say. “We’ll be in touch about next week.”

The woman does a little bow, and I stand, holding Suad’s hand. This time the little girl takes my hand willingly, and when I glance down, she looks up at me and smiles. I can’t resist. I bend down and give her a warm hug.

* * *

The queen mother gives us a break at dinner this night, and Zelda and I take ours in the theater with Belle. My sister is curled up in a recliner, and my niece is sitting in a chair between us with a tray across her lap.

Of course, we’re watching Beauty and the Beast. Bee points at the screen every time her princess appears, and in spite of the dark errand growing closer by the minute, I’m able to smile.

“Does she think she’s in the movie?” I ask, handing my niece another cheese cube from her tray of dinner.

“You think I know what’s bouncing around in that two-year-old brain?” Zelda laughs. She and I are splitting a pizza and ginger ales.

“It’s a pretty brilliant cartoon.” I hold my half-eaten slice of pizza while my niece is content to drink from her sippy cup.

“They’re all beasts until the right girl comes along,” Zee says, sitting sideways in her chair.

“I was talking about the music.”

“Oh, that, too. I’ve seen it about five hundred times now. I know all the words.”

The three of us watch silently as movie Belle spins around in her yellow dress to the “Tale as Old as Time.” Niece Belle holds her cup and doesn’t move the entire dance.

I take out my phone and snap a picture of her. I’m just lowering it when it buzzes with a text. It’s Rowan.

Miss my girl tonight, he writes.

When will you be back? I have to know. Before long, I have to slip away to my room and set up a time to meet Dwayne.

Every time I think about it, a shimmer of fear moves through my stomach. It’s not too late to back out, I think. But no. Tears burn my eyes, and I know I can’t back out. He hurt us. He killed Grace. He killed Ramona. I have every reason to believe I’m next. My throat is tight when Rowan finally replies.

Not until after midnight, he texts. I’m sorry.

Please be careful.

My husband is working with the police to find the killer in Monagasco. It’s possible Dwayne isn’t the person committing these crimes, but if he is, he’s growing bolder.

Rising from my chair, I step over to my sister and kiss her cheek. “I’ll be back.”

“Give me a few minutes,” she says, rising as well. “I’ll put Bee to sleep, and we can watch Bad Moms!”

My smile is tight. My shoulders are tight, and all I can think about is finishing this terrible chore. “I’m so exhausted. I think I’ll just bathe and sleep. Is that okay?”

Zelda touches my hand. “Of course it is. I remember how exhausted I was when I was growing Belle. It takes a lot out of you.”

“I’ll see you in the morning?” I step forward and hug her.

“Yep! Sleep well.” She squeezes me back, and when we part, she holds my arms. “You did good today, sis. I’ve never been so proud.”

We hold hands as we walk to our rooms. Belle is on her mother’s shoulder sucking her fingers, and I can tell she’ll be asleep soon. We reach the landing where our paths diverge.

Another hug, and we go to our rooms.

Chapter 25


“Well that idea was a flaming bomb.” Cal paces the war room when we reconvene the next day.

Tags: Tia Louise Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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