Love With A Stranger - Page 2

“Billy let me see your hand. “Gabby walked over nearly tripping over the sea of turned over desks and books littering the floor from the chaos.

“It hurts Ms. Thompkins. I just wanted to pet precious. “Billy’s lips quivered as tears strolled down his cheeks.

“Ok let me see. “Gabby nearly passed out when she saw the deep wound exposing his red tissue.

Precious was a definite liability along with these other animals. Another conversation she had with Sister Nelson. The Archdiocese doesn’t approve of these types of settings she could hear Nelson’s cold tone interrupt the chain of events already taking place. Catholic Archdiocese curriculum covered the basics of regular education but encompassed God’s moral teaching value behind every component. Animals in containers who belonged in a zoo was taking things too far. Foreseeing her own unemployment on the horizon and possible lawsuit Gabby could feel her own chest close up as the air passageways in her lungs constricted. Gasping for breath something she hadn’t had since being a teenager she clutched her chest feeling her own heart racing against the face of time. If only she could drop off from this room and disappear things would be so much easier.

“What is going on in here! “There she was all six foot three of her a brute of a woman with those blank steel grey eyes.

Gabby’s heart leaped. Just as she preparing to grab tissues from her cluttered tan desk the brawny woman with her deep wrinkles walked over her dark blue habitat swaying along the floor. In her hand was a tiny chestnut leather missal the embroidered gold emblem of the Crucifix across the front. For sure Sister Nelson would take that book and push upon her forehead and demand that any demons in her to please disperse. She could see the look of contempt in Mother Superior’s face one that suggested she wasn’t wanted her everyday she came to work. It was as if she knew that Gabby went through a life of hell and wasn’t even Catholic. Growing up in every religious background from being Jewish to Baptist she really didn’t declare herself to one faith.

“Can I ask what is going on in here Ms. Thompkins! “Practically growling at Gabby till now she didn’t even realize that Sister Nelson had fierce looking dagger like teeth.

“Oh Mother Superior the students were finishing their assessments for the second marking period and Billy Flannery got bit by Precious our class pet. “Rambling on knowing she just dug herself a big grave one she would never be able to get out of Gabby knew she had no choice but to come clean.

“What did I tell you about that animal Ms. Thompkins! In fact, if I clearly recall I was quite clear on asking you to remove all those creatures from this classroom as it is against Archdiocese policy!” Sister Nelson’s clenched fists turned a brilliant crimson as her short stubbed nails dug into the clefts of her flesh.

“I know Mother Superior but – “No sooner did she try to get her words out that Mother Superior put her hands up in front of Gabby’s face.

“I will deal with you later! For now, exit this room and wait for me in my office! “Pointing to the door Gabby never felt closer to that of a little school girl being scolded for messing her pants than she had at this particular moment.

“May I explain please Mot- “Once again she was interrupted by Mother Superior as she stomped her black shoes on the tiled floor demanding she exit the area.

Slowly she walked out knowing her future as a science teacher here at St. Rita’s Catholic Elementary School or for that matter anywhere was in jeopardy. A bad review from Mother Superior would travel with her everywhere like a big red smudge on one’s credit report. The only difference is with a credit report at least in time things fall off with something like this she would be doomed or black listed for eternity. She could hear the students crying asking that Ms. Thompkins to please come back. Sister Nelson being the callous woman she was clapped her hands harshly at the children demanding they sit down or risk staying in detention for two weeks after school. Truly that woman had a heart of stone and it was a wonder how she even managed to keep her job. Billy Flannery begged Mother Superior to listen to him it was his fault this happened he cried in that stuttering pitch of his. Just as Gabby looked back she saw Mother Superior pull the beige shade down on the door. The last sounds she could hear were the quick smacks of someone slapping someone’s face. Billy cried boisterously saying he would tell his parents. This only brought on harsher slaps from Billy’s punisher. The sounds of his young flesh being wounded drove a chill down Gabby’s spine.

Tags: Riley Moreno Billionaire Romance
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