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Love With A Stranger

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“There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Besides it’s just a book Gabby. “Taken back by how he knew her name she was half tempted to ask how he knew her but then again maybe she was just imagining things. Stranger things have happened to her especially with the day she was having already.

“Hmm. I don’t know. I just don’t like reading scary stuff. It’s not a good mix for me. I think I’ll look around. “

Just as she began to tour the rest of the establishment she felt the touch of his strong hands upon her flabby arms. Pushing his lean body against her breasts she could sense his prying hands explore the curves of her womanhood. Embarrassed not wanting to be caught doing something inappropriate in a public place Gabby tried to push the young man off. He was so much stronger than her his vigor too much for her already drained spirit. Slowly he ran his hot tongue along her neck. Every kiss was so sensual so serene it put her in a spirit of almost true ecstasy.

For a brief moment she was transformed into a world of truth of what she really wanted in life. There was romance and sensuality all wrapped up all in the essence of this young man. From his shiny russet hair to his firm muscles she could easily lay alongside of him for hours on end and be truly satisfied. Envisioning a perfect world where they would lie along some sandy beach with a tranquil aqua blue ocean he would empower her with his man hood letting her know that he truly cared.

Ah the thought of being truly cared for was something Gabby always wanted. Not having many boyfriends that truly wanted her instead of the bank account this was a once in a life time chance. Feeling her hand move down to the hardness in his pants she truly wanted to make him moan with pleasure and watch his turquoise eyes widen with pleasure. Just a few more moments and they would both be sprawled on the carpeted floor his young albino skin upon her bronze tone. Together they would have a union       that would last them a life time.

“Peter! What the hell are you doing! Peter! I didn’t hire you to sleep with my customers! “Appearing out of nowhere an elderly woman sat in a wheel chair her wrinkled purple hands clenching the control switch on the left side.

Never before had Gabby just wanted to shrivel up and sink into some hole somewhere. Here in broad daylight only a few short miles from her job where she was humiliated once again she was experiencing those same feelings of guilt and shame. This was worse than what happened in her classroom. Her beige skirt hiked up to her underwear her woman hood moist from excitement she looked into the beady dark eyes of an old woman with wispy salt and pepper hair. The woman had an unnerving look in those deeply wrinkled cheeks of hers. If looks could kill she was sure the woman would want to stop her heart dead in its tracks.

“Mrs. Mackie. I am so sorry. Let me ex- “Peter didn’t even have time to explain as the woman withdrew an elongated steel red cane and hit the young man clear across his limp hands.

Straightening out her skirt not even looking at owner of the store at this point for fear of being called horrible names or even worse. Picking up the book off the bottom of the floor not even thinking at this point Gabby bolted out the door and down the crowded Market Street. Nearly colliding with several pedestrians their glowering looks enough to make her a hermit for the rest of her life all she wanted to do was get on the El and back to her quiet apartment in the Northeast. She doubted she would ever come back to downtown Philadelphia. This was an experience she would never forget.

Chapter 3

What seemed hours was only a brief forty-five minutes before Gabby reached the familiar surroundings of her two-bedroom apartment in Pine Gardens. Just seeing the massive fourteen story cerise brick building with its sprawling barren oak trees and winding paths was a welcome sight after a long day filled with embarrassments and judgement. The steel gray skies above pregnant with moisture finally released their fullness upon the area as a stream of freezing rain pelted the sidewalk. A treacherous line of black ice lined the pavements and streets nearby making traveling next to impossible. Nearly falling several times Gabby could just see herself falling on the unyielding surface fracturing several bones. That was all she would need to end an already beyond stressful day.

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