Love With A Stranger - Page 9

“Gabby are you ok? “He asked rubbing her head as if she were knocked out cold by a blunt object.

“I am fine. How did I wind up here? Last I recall was you were in my apartment and the rest is a big black blank. “Hunting for the truth she imagined he was only going to tell her what she need to know to deal with the reality.

“To tell you the truth Gabby I did bring you here against your will. But I did it for a good reason. Let me explain. You saw me in the store and I fell in love with you there. I wanted to do so more with you but old Mrs. Mackie she interrupted before we could do anything else. I put a spell on her so that she would sleep for the next two weeks. I advanced my last week’s salary out of the register. I know that wasn’t right to do but I knew the moment I saw you and our connection with the book on Zen that you were the right one to accompany me on my travels. You are my girl Gabby. “Fondling her hands holding them ever so gently as if she were a big glass vase that if dropped would shatter into a million pieces.

Every word he said was so revolting yet how could she be mad at him. She didn’t know him enough to judge him and after all she had been through with work and her own pathetic life this was a chance to truly live it. Gazing out into the unlit atmosphere they were flying through she noticed mini movie pictures playing themselves out in the background. There was one she always wanted to visit it was the day of her mother’s death. Gabby was at school that day her mother died and by the time she got home she was already gone her flesh cold as a flounder freshly caught from the ocean. Her brown eyes glazed over with the steel cold touch of death her spirit was long gone from her mother’s once robust body. If she could do anything she would go back to that moment in time and do anything to save her.

Touching the windows glass she could feel the frigid surface tingle her own flesh. Her mother’s face floated in front of her. She was trying to talk to Gabby her voiceless speech meaningless to Gabby who desperately wanted to hear what her mother had to say. What was she saying was she hurt was she mad? If only she could get to hear she would do anything to see her mother again.

“Your wish is my command love. We will go at once. “The young man somehow read her thoughts and promised to fulfill her wish.

“How did you know? I didn’t even say anything. “Gabby questioned.

“It’s the same way I knew your name Gabby. I can read your thoughts and I know everything about it you just by getting into your deepest thoughts. Trust me I come to help you not hurt you ever. I love you. “Inching closer to her his breath had the scent of peppermints her favorite candy.

Inching closer to him she could feel her own pent up emotions unleash on her in a tumultuous force. Her breasts sweaty with perspiration pushed up against her blouse begging to be groped and licked in the most seductive way. Digging her hands in the depths of the seat as a series of hot flashed swept through her hoping that he would just rip her clothes off and make passionate love. This was crazy she knew she couldn’t even recall his name it was almost as if they were strangers. Besides she still had this eerie sense he had done something to her without her even knowing but she still yearned for him and his manhood to mount inside of her bringing her to climax she desperately needed.

“I know you want it Gabby. I can feel your heat radiate from you like a sun star going off course destined to burn its way through to the next galaxy. Don’t fight it Gabby give into it. I can give you pleasures that you would never imagine possible. “Rubbing her crotch his tiny manicured hands managed to get her zipper down.

“I can’t do anything with you you are practically a stranger. Christ I can’t even remember your name. “

“It’s Peter. Now we’re not strangers. Give me your soul and I will give you the ultimate destiny. “Fingering her pussy through her silk panties his fingers suddenly seemed to be longer than what she thought. They probed inside her vaginal walls caressing her section of her inner muscle.

Panting loving the massaging effect of his fingers on her pussy desperately wanting to just grab that young hard cock she saw rise underneath those white shorts of his. At first it didn’t seem quite big Gabby not that she was ever a size queen as long as the guy knew how to make her feel good size didn’t matter. However, this guy’s dick looked like the head of a serpent. Its elongated rigid surface protrudes through the tip of his underwear. It had girth and length and it was nice and cut and crooked like a hook. She envisioned that hard cock ripping through her pussy walls with the hard thrust of a vibrating jack hammer. It would drill and pound her until she climaxed repeatedly over and over. For crying out loud she practically was having an orgasm thinking about it.

Tags: Riley Moreno Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024