Make You Mine - Page 16

Something even better… I press the button to put my phone to sleep fast before he tries to take it. “Where have you been?”

He grins, putting his hands behind his head. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

The desert sun has bleached his hair out to pale blond, making him look younger than he is. His skin is golden and his hazel eyes glow green. The women in this country watch him like he’s some kind of god or a prince, something rare, and he eats it up like a glutton.

I’m tanned as well, but my hair is dark. The only thing distinctive on me are my gray eyes, which appear wolfish in all the brown.

Danny leans forward whispering, “So you know how the internet said the girls here prefer anal so they can still be virgins on their wedding night?”

“No.” Why would I know this?

He tosses a lecherous grin my way. “It’s true.”

“Ah, shit.” I scrub my eyes with my fingers. “You’re going to get us all killed.”

“Took my first ass tonight. It was everything you imagine and hotter.”

I won’t lie and say I’ve never thought about anal. It’s not something I’m planning to do here. “I hope you wrapped it.”

“What do you think I am, an idiot?”

My eyes narrow, and he laughs, falling back on the bunk. “The next few years might not be so bad after all.”

“You’re a sick fucker. Don’t get HIV.”

It’s how we pass the time when we’re not doing drills or keeping watch. I do my best to give Drew space to grow up—and fail. Danny sticks his dick in any hole that will open to him, which is a surprising number.

All of us are just trying to stay alive.

The days turn into weeks, the weeks months. Through it all, Drew is the bright light. She’s the thing that keeps me going. Our texts and her occasional, sexy pictures are the high points of my life right now.

I’m pretty sure I’m addicted by how my pulse races when her name pops up on my phone.

Drew: Sometimes I imagine you as Forrest Gump yelling YES, DRILL SEARGENT!!!!

I snort a laugh when I read it.

Me: Tell me what you really think of me.

Drew: I really think you’re a stud in uniform. You’re like Tom Cruise facing off against Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men.

Me: You can’t handle the truth.

Drew: I knew you’d say that.

Me: I’m so predictable.

Drew: What’s your favorite military movie?

Me: Apocalypse Now, duh.

Drew: That’s really Heart of Darkness.

Me: How’s school going? Picked a major yet?

Drew: I decided to stay in Psychology. Still want to help people.

Me: You already do.

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024