Make You Mine - Page 90

“I do body work.” Billy jumps in, and I follow Drew out to the parking lot where the Jag waits, shining in the sun.

Just when I think she’s leaving without a word, she turns on her heel and steps toward me fast.

“What happened last night?” Her tone is sharp.

It causes me to take a step back.

I catch the finger she has on my chest. “I told you. I couldn’t sleep.”

She pulls her hand from mine, putting both on her hips. “Really. That’s it?”

I don’t like her being angry, but I want to have this conversation in a different place, a different way.

“You can talk to her about it, though? Be yourself around her?”

“No.” Anger squeezes my lungs.

“Well, it sure looks that way to me.”

“Well, you’re wrong. I don’t care about her.” I catch Drew’s arms. My voice cracks. “If it looks different, it’s because I don’t have to worry about hurting her. I never hurt her.”

Shit. I’ve said too much.

Confusion lines Drew’s face. “What does that mean?”

“Look.” I release her and turn away, rubbing the back of my neck, trying to get the tension out of my shoulders. “I want to talk to you about this. We need to talk.”

“We could talk on our date. Friday?”

Friday. Looking up at the sky, I wonder if I can wait that long. “Okay.” It’s a definite. “We’ll talk Friday.”

She steps forward and touches my arm. “I’m ready to listen.”

With a gentle kiss, she says goodbye. I can’t help wondering if she has any idea what I’m going to say. How could she possibly be ready?

Chapter 25


The Jag is as good as new. The engine is restored, and when I pick it up after getting new tires, Gray stands back looking at it with pride.

“One childhood dream come true.”


He gives me a wink. “I have a few more I’m still working on.”

Happiness sparkles in my stomach. I can’t wait until Friday.

“Maybe you can drive it on our date.” When I take the car keys, I lean in a little too close.

He takes advantage and gives me a brief kiss on the lips. Too brief for me.

“Delivery guy just left those oil filters.” Billy passes us, holding a black contraption with white accordion folds all around it over his head. “I’ll call your friend and tell her to come back tomorrow.”

I exhale a quiet little growl.

Gray grins down at me and shakes his head. “I’m letting Billy take care of that one.”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025