Because I Can (Necklace Trilogy 2) - Page 58

“Oh good. Yes. Now. Please.”

Dash already has my hand in his and we’re walking down the hallway, toward the exit. “The driver’s waiting on us.”

We’re almost to the door when I spy a bathroom. “I have to stop. We’ve been at that table for hours.”

“Yeah. Not a bad idea, especially since there’s apparently a traffic jam we have to make it through to get back to the hotel.”

“I’ll be fast,” I say, darting into the bathroom. And I am fast, so fast, but not fast enough.

I step into the hallway to find Dash and his father standing toe-to-toe. I inhale and step to Dash’s side. His father, who resembles Dash, but with gray hair, his stature less potent, his skin a bit too sun-kissed, jerks his gaze to me.

“Does she know who you really are?” he demands, as if I’m not here, as if he’s not looking right at me.

“Go to the car, Allie,” Dash orders.

“Why?” his father demands. “So she won’t hear you’re a killer? So she won’t know you were with your brother when he died?”

“I wasn’t with him when he died. Allie—”

“You let him die.”

“I was not his damn keeper,” Dash snaps.

“Piece of shit. You don’t deserve your success. Sounds like you made a deal with the devil to me.”

My God, I think. The way he’s talking to Dash. “Let’s go, Dash,” I say, tugging his arm. “Let’s go now.”

His father looks at me again. “He’ll hurt you. Maybe you’ll accidentally end up dead, like my son.”

“He’s your son, too,” I snap at him. “Then again, you’re no father. Come now, Dash.”

Dash stares at his father another beat and then turns and starts walking, taking me with him, but I’m a willing companion. Security opens the door for us and we climb into the back of the SUV.

“Drive,” Dash orders the minute he shuts the door.

The driver sets us in motion, but Dash doesn’t look at me. He lowers his head, fingers tunneling into his hair. I want to touch him. I want to talk to him, but I know we’re not alone and he’s a hair away from snapping. And he does. Suddenly, he looks up and says, “Stop the vehicle.”

I turn to him. “What? Why?”

The driver pulls us to a sidewalk and Dash opens the door and gets out. I follow him, but he catches my arms and halts me at the door.

“We don’t work. I was selfish to think we worked, Allie. Go home. It’s better that way. Neil will watch over you until this Allison thing is figured out. He’ll call you. Answer when he does.”

My eyes burn and my chest pinches. “Don’t do this,” I plead. “Don’t let him blaming you for something that wasn’t your fault divide us.”

“How do you know it wasn’t my fault, Allie? How do you know anything about me when you don’t know that?”

“Don’t go and fight, Dash. Brandon, and your father, they’re watching. This was all planned. They want to take you down. Don’t fight. Please. I’m begging you.”

“Go home,” he says again, and with that bitter command, he releases me, and turns, and starts walking. I round the door and intend to follow, and I try, but I make it half a block and he’s just gone. I can’t see him anymore.

I’m trembling when I climb back into the SUV and shut the door. “Where to, ma’am?”

Where to?

Home, Dash said. I don’t even know where that is right now, but obviously, Dash just broke up with me. I give the driver my apartment address. I sink back into the seat and try to breathe and calm myself. I will not melt down here, right now. I won’t. And somehow, I really do hold it together. I arrive at my apartment and dig in my purse, thankful I always keep a key in my side pocket, just in case. I’m still trembling, so much so that I can barely open my door. I flip on the light and just stare at the familiar space. My apartment. I lock up and walk to the bedroom, sitting on the mattress and plopping my purse on the bed next to me.

Now, the tears flow. Now, they stream down my cheeks. Maybe this really is where I belong after all.


Tags: Lisa Renee Jones Necklace Trilogy Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024