The End of Us (Love in Isolation 3) - Page 63

“There are my beautiful girls.” My mother sashays over wearing a formal dress with gloves like she’s royalty. She kisses each of my cheeks. “Merry Christmas, sweetie.”

“You too, Mom.”

She gives Tristan a hug, then greets Kendall and Ryan, just as my father comes around the corner with the carving utensils.

“Hope you kids are ready to eat,” he says, and I hear a slight tinge of excitement in his voice. “Hey, Tristan. Nice to see you. Ryan,” Dad greets. He’s smiling wide, something that doesn’t happen very often.

“Shall we get started?” Mom waves her arm to the table, and we make our way over.

Tristan looks at me with a smile, and I give him a wink. He pulls out my chair for me, and I scoot in, then he sits beside me.

Dad carves the turkey, and we carefully grab slices off the fancy china. My parents are used to being served every meal, but they usually opt for self-serve on the holidays.

Kendall glances at me, and we hold a small conversation.

“So, are we cracking open the wine, or what?” I finally say.

“Oh yeah!” Mom exclaims and grabs the bottle. The wineglasses are already on the table, and she happily goes around and pours ours. When she gets to Kendall’s glass she declines.

I glance at her and tilt my head.

She clears her throat. “I think I have an announcement. Well, we have an announcement to make.” Kendall glances at Ryan.

“You’re pregnant?” I ask, nearly bursting into tears.


I stand and run over to her, giving her a hug. “Oh my God, I’m so happy right now. I’m going to be an aunt!”

I bend down and speak to her tummy. “And I’m going to spoil you rotten.”

Mom cries, joining the hugs. Tristan stands and pats Ryan on the back, congratulating him. Dad’s happier than ever.

“I think cigars are in order,” Dad announces.

“After dinner,” Mom says, meeting his eyes.

“We just found out, but I knew I had to tell you all tonight. I won’t be able to keep it inside much longer.” Kendall beams, and I see she’s already glowing.

We all return to the table as Kendall continues chatting.

“So, are you hoping for a boy or girl?” I ask.

“Either,” she tells me.

“Or both,” Ryan says.

Tristan chuckles. “Do twins run in the family?”

“On both sides, actually,” Mom responds.

Tristan’s eyes widen as the realization we could someday have twins hits him. I chuckle, but I know without a doubt he’d make an amazing father.

Once our plates are stacked high, we begin eating.

“Wow, Jaquel did an amazing job on the roasted Brussels sprouts,” I say.

“The turkey tastes great,” Tristan adds, and everyone agrees.

We eat so much, I feel like I’m going to have to be rolled out of here. The food is to die for, but I guess you're accustomed to it when you have a personal chef.

After dinner, coffee is served, and then Mom brings out the desserts.

“How’s work going, Piper?” Dad asks, biting into his slice of lemon meringue.

“Now it’s going great. I literally spent the past five months doing damage control after everything that happened.”

Reaching over, I grab Tristan’s hand, and he kisses my knuckles. “You handled it well, sweetheart.”

“Thanks to you.” I gaze into his eyes, wishing I could rip off that suit and tie.

“You’ve been her rock, Tristan. I have no doubt she wouldn’t have been able to navigate this without you,” my father says, taking us both by surprise.

“Not to mention, your audience is in love with him.” Kendall chuckles. “I’ve read some of the comments. A bunch of thirsty old ladies after your man.”

“See!” I look at Tristan as I burst out laughing. “I told you!”

He grunts, still not believing it. He refuses to read the comments after he saw the mean ones. I’ve gotten used to ignoring them, but he was ready to murder someone.

“You’re a hero,” my mom tells him. “Served our country and saved our daughter’s life.”

“Yeah, he’s pretty amazing,” I agree. “Plus dealing with everyone in our business.”

“It’s a lot to get used to,” he confirms.

“Absolutely,” Kendall says. “It’s why I stayed out of the limelight. Too much drama and craziness.”

“It’s not that bad. Well, now that I have Tristan around to protect me and take some of the spotlight off me,” I say.

“You’re a good sport,” Mom tells him.

“I’ll support her no matter what. Even when it gets to be too much, I can handle it,” he reassures everyone.

“Sounds like you found a good man,” Ryan tells me.

“Well thank you,” Tristan says. After dinner, the men go to Dad’s smoking room and light cigars to celebrate the baby announcement. Then Kendall and I stay and chat with Mom as the leftovers are put into containers.

“You both should take some of this home,” Mom suggests.

“I would, but we’re planning to go see the lights in the city after we leave.”

Tags: Kennedy Fox Love in Isolation Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024