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Highlander’s Captive (Highlander Trilogy 3)

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Her busily buzzing thoughts drifted off as sleep laid claim to her. The last thought she took with her, not of death and deceit, but of Torr and how much she wished for his arms around her.

Chapter Thirteen

“The closer we get to the village, the more restless you become,” Torr said looking down at her snug in his arms.

“I have not seen my brother in some time, through no fault of his,” Wintra was quick to add. “About three years ago, I refused to see him when he visited. The only way I would see him is if he was there to take me with him, foolish on my part since I missed him terribly. I thought in my naïve wisdom that he would give into my demands. I should have known better. And now I wonder how he will receive me.”

“Like the sister he has missed as much as you have missed him.”

“Or perhaps as the young, witless sister who made things more difficult for him.”

“You are far from witless, though closer to stubborn—” He laughed and she punched him, though it felt more like a tap.

“I am not stubborn; I am determined,” she insisted.

“Determined is good. Are you determined to love me no matter what? No matter anyone’s reaction? No matter what is said or done? Above all else, will you love me as much as I love you?”

His words sent a shiver racing through her. Would their love face that much opposition? But then how could it not? To fall in love in such a brief time was not quite believable. How then did it happen? How did she know with such certainty that she loved this man who held her so lovingly and protectively in his arms?

More questions, few answers, and yet she found herself believing in this unbelievable love. She could not explain it, though she felt it, and she could not explain that either. The thought of being separated from him overwhelmed her with such grief that it roiled her stomach and she grimaced.

“Such a pained face can only mean…” He left her to explain.

“The pain is from the thought of not having you near and as much as I fight the unbelievable that we could love so strongly when only meeting, I cannot ignore the certainty of my love for you.”

“Strong enough to wed me?”

“Aye, my love is strong enough to wed you, though I cannot wed you yet. Love may have rushed in to claim my heart, but my mind challenges my heart. I thought myself in love with one man only to realize that I had never loved him and now here I am claiming I am in love again. It troubles, yet excites me, which leaves me completely confused.”

“But is your love for me strong enough to stand the strongest scrutiny?”

“You make it sound like I will be facing an impossible task and that my love for you could fail?”

“Could it?”

“Why would it?” she asked, fear prickling her skin.

“We sometimes find ourselves tested by unexpected happenings, and it is the strength of what we know to be true, to be honorable in nature that can help us see the right or wrong of it. I believe love can uncover truths and survive the most difficult challenges. We face a challenge you and I, and I pray that the truth will help us survive.”

“Why wouldn’t it?” she said. “I may speak at times when it would be wiser for me to keep my thoughts to myself—” his laughter caused her to pause a moment and give him a playful jab—” but I always speak the truth to you as you do to me. No one can take that from us.”

“A good thing to know— and remember,” he emphasized.

Sloan rode up beside them, ending their conversation, though thoughts lingered in her head. She sensed there was more to what Torr was saying than he had voiced and her mind, as usual, went wild with possibilities.

“We will be entering the village soon,” Sloan said.

Torr felt Wintra tense against him and he gave her waist a reassuring squeeze.

“I sent a warrior on ahead to let them know we approach,” Sloan continued. “They will be waiting for our arrival.”

Wintra could not believe it. After all this time, she was finally going to be with her brother.

Not for long. My life is with Torr.

Her thought did not startle as much as she expected. Torr was right about one thing—unexpected things did happen. And she could not help but wonder how many unexpected things were about to happen.


The village was quiet when they entered, but then it was near to nightfall and most everyone were tucked safe and warm in their homes. Yet Wintra sensed an underlying unease. Was it her arrival that had caused it?

“Owen is here,” Torr said as they approached the keep.

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