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Christine Vs. Professor

Page 23

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"I thought a lot about it and I realize there's something you're keeping from me," Christine says, her eyes never leaving mine. "I want to know before I get in any more trouble."

"You're not going to get in any trouble," I gasp out.

"Tell me or no sex," she says to me.

Fucking Christ.

People may think of me and my family as soft because we descended from the Mayflower Pilgrims. But I guarantee you growing up with money has done nothing to make me soft. If anything, I've learned to put up with struggle.

"Then it's no sex," I tell her, my balls aching and my cock twitching as I get out of bed. It's hard and not getting any softer.

I see Christine's eyes glued to my cock as I stand up from the bed.

"I'll shower and be ready for brunch if you still want to go," I tell her.

She nods, still entranced by my cock.

But she doesn't let up.

"What is it then that keeps me like this secret part of your life then if you're not worried about the ethical aspect of what we're doing?" Christine asks me as the waiter puts our bellinis down. We're sitting at Balthazar at an outside table. "Because it seems like you're not worried about sleeping with me when you're on the selection committee for the program, but yet you still keep me a secret from your professor friends."

I sigh. How am I going to explain this?

"It's not that I'm not worried about this," I tell her as she rolls her eyes at me. "It's just that while the University doesn't forbid a relationship between us, it's probably best to come out with it till after you leave my class."

"But what about the program?" she asks me.

I shrug.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about the program," I tell her. "I'm pretty sure you're going to be a shoo-in."

I'm serious. I meant for it to comfort her.

But I'm a guy and I don't understand what girls are thinking about sometimes.

Because her eyes tear up.

"You've done something, haven't you?" she asks me, her eyes beginning to brim with tears. "You've stacked the deck for me, haven't you?"

"What?" I ask shocked. "Why would I do that?"

"You mean you told them not to select me?" she asks.

I stare at her. Unfortunately I can't say anything more without giving it away. So I remain silent.

"Why can't you just tell me? I don't care what you did, but I'd be more hurt if there was someone more qualified and they never got the chance because of me and you..." Christine begins but I stop her.

"I can't say anything more, Christine," I say to her in a very professional manner. "I hope you understand. It's just my principles I can't compromise."

Christine's eyes go wide and she spends a long moment staring at me. Then, as if she's putting a wall around her heart, she composes herself.

"You have your principles, I get that," she tells me. "I do too."

And with that, she scoots her chair back and gets up. I watch her as she walks away.

I guess the ball is truly in her court now.

Let's see what she does with it.

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