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Boardroom Bride

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An entire day of sexual frustration, and finally my hard, throbbing dick was granted release. Kind of like how when you haven’t eaten anything all day, and you get those first few bites of your meal, they just taste better.

Kara Gilmore. I could eat that woman right up.

I pull a pot out from my lower cabinets and fill it with water. As I wait for it to boil, I chop up some broccoli and set it in a bowl, ready to chuck it in when the water’s at temp.

I walk over to my refrigerator and grab a package of chicken tenderloin, which I start cubing. I stare at my spices once it’s all cut to my preference and then decide I’m feeling an Italian-style dish tonight.

I thr

ow some oregano, salt, pepper, basil, and parsley onto the chicken and drizzle some olive oil onto it.

I’m a good cook, so it’s going to be fucking delicious. I could afford a personal chef, but there’s something more rewarding about doing it myself.

Besides, I’m starving. I probably waited too long to eat. But considering why, I’m not too bent out of shape.

Kara satisfied a different kind of appetite.

It’s important when you work out as much as I do to have a schedule for your nourishment. And ninety nine percent of the time, I can follow it.

But when a tasty treat like Kara shows up in my day, I don’t mind deviating once in a while. And she made it worth it.

I wonder if Kara ended up getting some actual food. God damn, I hope she isn’t one of those girls that just eats one meal a day. Especially after the workout we gave her.

I grab some garlic and chop it up to go in with the chicken. I heat a pan and toss it all in together.

As I move the chicken and garlic around in the pan, I have my other hand on my phone. Multitasking when I’m doing something so simple isn’t a problem. I’m flipping through social media, trying to figure out the best way to get people looking at the Protein Plus shakes.

All through my feed, there’s tons of advertisements and hashtags about the upcoming Miss Sexy Universe pageant. That cock-eyed bitch Camille is everywhere. I know that winning the pageant, she’s the guaranteed spokesperson for the competition this year, but if I could stop seeing her nipples pressing through the fabric of that stupid “Shake ‘Em Ups” logo tank top, I would be able to breathe easier.

As I scroll, I see sponsored ad after sponsored ad. I get that I follow strictly fitness related posts, but I would pay money to never see that failed protein shake pyramid scheme ever again.

Shake ‘Em Ups. Disgusting fucking product, stupid fucking name.

The fact that a few months after the competition last year, Shake ‘Em Ups went bankrupt should be a sign to someone?if not everyone?that their entire company is bullshit. But nope. Fuck.

At least I got my personal vengeance out by revenge-fucking Camille. Wasn’t even difficult. I just needed to stand in her vicinity, and the bitch threw herself right at me.

I can still remember the way she went even more cock-eyed with my cock in her mouth.

Oh, Eric! she cooed after. Your cum is soooo yummy! Gimme more, pretty please? I’d do ANYTHING for more!

Christ. Maybe I need a girl to enter in the Miss Sexy Universe pageant. That’d get some good exposure for Protein Plus.

I look over to my stovetop and see that the water is finally boiling. I toss in my broccoli for a couple of minutes and set my phone down on the counter to finish the chicken.

I pop open a jar of organic tomato sauce and pour it over the chicken and garlic, stirring it around. My broccoli looks done about the time I finish it so I strain it and shock it in some cold water over at the sink before I pour it in with the rest of the dish.

I grab some rice I prepped from the fridge and heat it up and pour that in too.

Voila. Dinner. I’ve got my protein, my veggies, and a starch.

A well-balanced meal, perfect for after a long day of working out with my best friend and a hot chick.

I throw a good portion into a bowl and grab a fork. I make my way over to my couch and sit with my food. Back to my marketing plan. We’re so far in development that I need to start advertising as soon as possible.

As my thumb pushes Shake ‘Em Ups up and out of my view, a picture that has been reposted by a page called “Fitness Junkies” catches my eye. Not because it has anything to do with my strategy, but because I know exactly who’s in it.

Kara. Why would Fitness Junkies have Kara on their featured posts? I’m too curious.

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