Boardroom Bride - Page 159

But I’m not just any naked bimbo up on stage tonight. I’m Kara fucking Gilmore, and I’m doing this for all the dick I’m going to get once I crush this thing.

“I’ve already fallen for all of you,” I address the crowd, playing the whole thing off. “I guess now it’s time for you to fall for me.”

There’s laughter—the good kind—at that little comment, but the host looks even more pissed than ever.

“Are you ready for you question, Kara?”

“Oh,” I coo, “I’m always ready.”

The host’s forehead rumples as he sifts through his note cards while the crowd laughs again. His face lights up when he finds the card he’s looking for—and when he shines his eerie white smile at me again, there’s something sinister in his grin.

“So, tell us, Kara, what’s the best sex you’ve ever had?”

Okay, babes, I’m not gonna lie. Even I give this dude a little bit of side-eye at that fucking question. This pageant is supposed to be about, like, women’s empowerment or some shit, right?

And this fucking guy? He’s just asked me a question that’s the equivalent of sending me an unsolicited dick pic and asking if I’m horny.

“Do you need me to repeat that, Kara?” the host asks, shooting me a sickly-sweet smile.

“Oh, no need,” I say flippantly. “Not all of us are hard of hearing, honey.”

As the crowd roars with laughter, I rack my brain for an answer.

I mean, it’s a hell of a question, but I’m not some fucking virgin. I’ve fucked. I’ve sucked. I’ve blown and been blown.

There has to be one moment that’s more special than the rest.

I just need to put my slutty little finger on it.

I know if Ryan is watching me right now, he’s probably drooling in the hopes that I might name him on live television as the best sex of my life—but he can take a fucking hike.

If I have to narrow it down to just one bang, then it’s obviously either with Chase or Eric—or is it Chase and Eric?

Memories of my time with them play out like a movie reel in my mind.

Chase and Eric, shirtless and swathed in steam, coming towards me in the Power Plus showers. Stroking their huge, gorgeous 12-inch cocks and looking at me like I’m a piece of cheesecake on cheat day.

The leather straps around my wrists as Eric cuffs me to his bedposts—the way it felt when he moved inside me, the ‘I love you’ on his lips, and the taste of my cunt in his kiss.

My honey smeared up and down Chase’s dick as I rode him beneath the squat rack, the way he looked at me like I was the most beautiful fucking thing in the universe, and the huge, gaping hole his dick tore through my yoga pants.

Hell, I could even talk about what just happened backstage literally moments ago. The way Eric held me, talking dirty in my ear while Chase made me orgasm so hard against his mouth that I nearly had an out-of-body experience, for fuck’s sake.

But no—none of them sum it up right. How the hell am I supposed to explain to this stadium full of people the incredible fucking experience I had with Chase and Eric?

That’s just it, isn’t it?

I can’t.

I fucking can’t.

“I don’t have a story about the best sex of my life,” I admit into the microphone.

The sound reverberates around the arena. It’s quickly joined by the collective gasp of the crowd.

“Oh, you poor thing—” the host coos at me with a nasty grin that only grows nastier.

I hold my hand up to stop him before he goes any further.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024