Boardroom Bride - Page 162

I take both of their hands and step out onto the pavement below. “I guess I do work hard…” I say and trail off, trying to believe it and not be consumed by self-doubt.

“Of course you do!” Chase squeezes my hand. “You deserve a cheat night. You’re fucking Miss Sexy USA, for fuck’s sake!”

Chase shouts it to the world in the night, throwing his hands up.

Giggling, I just shake my head at their playfulness, taking it all in stride. If they say I deserve it, then I guess I have to agree with them. Cheat meals don’t come often these days, and I can make up for it tomorrow by getting aggressive at the gym to amp myself up and slide right back on track with my workouts.

We walk into the diner together as a trio, and a bubbly and young hostess greets us with a wide smile.

“Would you like a booth or a table?” she asks.

“Booth,” Eric and Chase say in unison.

I nod in agreement, and we follow her to the back of the restaurant, getting a tucked away booth with cozy accent lighting.

I slide into the booth first, and Eric sits next to me while Chase rolls into the other side, sitting across from us.

The guys are grinning at me as the hostess hands each of us a menu and tells us our server will be along shortly.

I stare at the menu as the words and pictures blur in front of me.

Chase observes me with a furrowed brow. “You look confused. Overwhelmed. Stop it.”

I stare up at him. “All I can think of is how bad this is for me.”

“Order anything on that menu that appeals to you,” Eric gestures vaguely, pointing to the items across the board. “You didn’t lose the weight overnight. You’re not going to gain it back in one meal.”

“Okay…” I relent. “I guess…”

I study the menu—and everything looks delicious. Damn, it’s going to be hard to choose.

Taking a deep breath, I try not to succumb to my fat girl instincts. That’s the old me, and I’m not going back.

Suddenly, an idea comes to me. “Hey,” I say to get the guys attention. They both look up from their menus.

“What is it, sweetheart?” Eric says tenderly and cradles my hand in his, sending a surge of warmth through my body.

“Why don’t we share something?” I suggest.

Eric and Chase exchange a glance.

“If that’s what you want?” Chase offers.

“I think I’ll feel more comfortable that way,” I confess to them.

“What are you thinking about ordering?” Chase asks.

I glance back at the menu. “I really want the bacon cheeseburger,” I giggle.

“Yeah, okay,” Eric agrees and leans back in his chair. “That sounds good.”

“Can we also get fries and a milkshake?” I ask, trying not to sound like I’m begging and salivating over the prospect.

“Absolutely,” Chase winks.

“Strawberry?” I squeak.

“My favorite,” Eric admits.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024