Boardroom Bride - Page 208

“Is this the way you guys are going to deal with this?” I ask quietly.

“What?” Chase asks with a little laugh.

“By fucking laughing at me? Well, I guess that’s...”

“I just thought it was funny that you didn’t see us.” Chase’s eyes are on me, and they’re still filled with genuine laughter.

“What makes you think I didn’t see you?” I’m starting to smile a little, despite myself.

Chase takes me into his arms, instantly melting away all that dumb angst and worry.

“That doesn’t answer my question,” I say with a big, unavoidable grin.

“Does this?” Chase whispers in my ear before setting a leisurely, loving kiss on my cheek.

“Hey, do you have any questions for me?” Eric interrupts before I can answer.

I might have some questions, but I hold onto them, letting Eric give me his own cozy hug and tender kiss.

“Actually,” I begin, sliding slowly from Eric’s arms, “I’m assuming that you guys must be pissed, or I was assuming...”

“Why would we be pissed?” Eric has an endearing look of earnestness on his face.

“You guys must be angry because...” I start again, searching for the words while Chase and Eric watch me.

I start to forget the speech, the pageant, the whole fucking thing.

“I went off script, way off, and I’ll probably lose now, I guess.”

“We don’t give a shit about that,” Eric snaps immediately with pure, assured Eric-ness.

“You don’t give a shit about winning?” I can’t help it. I’m so thrown by their attitude that I need to ask some fucking questions.

“You came here to compete, and that’s what you did,” Chase says with deep, heartfelt care in his eyes.

“So? Anyone can compete,” I utter quietly. I still don’t quite understand, but I’m feeling powerless in the face of Eric and Chase’s warm reception.

“Not like you did,” corrects Eric.

“What do you mean?” My mouth is dry, my ability to speak is breaking down, I’m still full of adrenaline from performing, and now, I really want to hear Eric explain how awesome I am.

“With all your heart,” Eric began, “you showed the world what you’re made of, and you didn’t yield for a fucking second. That’s something to be proud of, no matter what the judges fucking think.”

“I know I’m proud of you,” Chase interrupts. “You did what you wanted to do, and you just said ‘Fuck the bullshit,’ and went for it. I... I love that. So much.”

“You were you, Kara—stubborn, no bullshit...You couldn’t have been more you, and I’m in love with that. I’m in love with you.”

I nod a couple of times, because what can I even say at this point? I might start fucking crying if I say one word.

“Both of us are,” adds Chase.

“Okay, I get it.” I smile, yielding the argument.

“I hope you also get that we would never stop loving you no matter what you did out there.” Eric softly takes my hands into his. “Not that it needs to be said, but...”

“Just in case there’s ever any doubt,” Chase says, finishing Eric’s thought.

I nod again, another unstoppable grin taking over.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024