Blessed - Page 23

"That makes two of us," I find myself saying, the words leaving my mouth before I can stop them. Pushing her back against the wall once more, I rest my hands over her breasts and squeeze them hard; as I do it, she takes her own hands to her shoulders and pushes the front of her dress down, the outer edges of her bra revealing themselves to me.

Opening my right hand, I hook my fingers on the cup of her bra and pull on it softly; the moment her rosy nipple jumps into sight, I feel a rush of boiling blood making its way down to my cock and I simply lose it. Grabbing her half-naked tit, I lean in and wrap my lips around her hard nipple, sucking it into my mouth and running circles around her rosy tip with my tongue. The taste of her body makes my brain start to overheat and, at the same time, my cock becomes as hard as concrete.

Breathing fast, I grab at her dress and tug on it viciously, sending it down to her waist. I then let my mouth roam to the valley between her breasts, my skin tracing the rising curve of both her breasts. As I do it, I take my hands to her shoulder blades; the moment I find the clasp of her bra, I undo it.

The cups of the bra droop over her breasts, revealing both nipples, and I hold my breath as I watch them fall down. Then, impatience suddenly taking over me, I reach for one cup with my hand and simply yank the whole thing off her body. She yelps as I do it, and I notice her nipples becoming even harder than before.

"You’re in a hurry," she comments but, at the same time, she slides both hands down the sides of her body and grabs her dress. Swaying her hips from side to side, she sends it down her legs and then kicks it up in the air; the fabric rises up, and then traces an upward arch before landing on one of the pews.

"Maybe I am," I reply, my hands slowly moving down from her naked breasts to between her thighs, the fabric of her thong noticeably drenched in her juices.

"What are you looking at, Connor?" she teases me, placing one hand between her breasts and running it down, her fingertips stopping right before the hem of her thong. "You want this?" she continues, her fingers moving over the front of her pussy.

I take one step forward, ready to press my body on hers, but she raises one arm and stops me, her free hand now on my chest.

"Uh-uh. If you want it, you’ll have to come and get it," she lowers her voice, the devil’s tone in her words. With that, she turns around and starts walking down the aisle that leads to the altar. I just look at her for a few seconds, hearing the click of her high heels against the polished floor as I watch her ass cheeks flex while she moves.

"What are you waiting for?" she calls after me, climbing the small set of stairs that lead to the altar. There, she uses her hands as leverage and props herself up, sitting over the red cloth that covers the altar.

"Fuck…" I mutter to myself, hardly believing what she’s asking me to do. Sure, we’ve already done something like this back at the chapel, but this isn’t a family chapel we’re talking about… This is one of the largest churches in the States, one where thousands come daily to pray. Am I really going to fuck her on that altar?

My mind might not know the answer, but my body surely does. Without waiting for a decision, my feet start carrying me down the aisle, each step I take making my heart beat faster and faster.

"Come, Connor… come and take what you want," Clarise whispers as I walk up the stairs, my cock so hard I’m actually surprised my pants haven’t torn yet.

"You’re insane," I tell her but, as I say it, I’m closing the distance between both our bodies.

"And what’s life without a little bit of insanity?" she purrs, reaching for my tie and pulling me into her. With me now standing up between her spread legs, she throws both her arms over my shoulders and looks into my eyes. "I want to hear you say it…" she continues, a hint of a grin on her lips.

"Hear me say what?"

"Tell me what you want. I want to hear you say it," she teases me, biting on her lower lip as she waits for my answer. She’s pulling my strings, building a web of temptation all around me, and I’m falling straight into it.

"I want you," I tell her with a knot in my throat; but now that I’ve started to speak, other words start escaping out of my mouth. "I want that pussy of yours," I continue, grabbing her by the hair and yanking it in a way that forces her to throw her head back. "And I want to fuck you so hard you won’t know up from down, and left from right."

"That’s exactly what I wanted to hear… Now I want you to do it."

This time I don’t reply. I just keep her head thrown back and dive head first into her neck; kissing her naked skin, I then start biting softly, pulling it with my teeth as she allows short but clear moans to echo throughout the church. As I kiss her, I let my hands wander down to her waist and I hook my fingers on her thong, pulling it against her thigh until I hear the sound of the fabric ripping apart.

"Much better now," I grin, and she responds by taking her hands to the collar of my shirt again. Loosening my tie some more, she pulls it over my head and then lets it slip from her fingers to the floor; slowly moving her fingers over my chest, she starts unbuttoning my shirt patiently. As she finishes unbuttoning my shirt and untucks it, she presses her hands against my abs, feeling their grooves and ridges, and only then does she let her hands fall to my belt.

"I can’t wait to feel that big cock of yours inside me," she tells me as she unbuckles the belt and pulls it out from its loops. Proceeding to the zipper, she pushes it down as

well and then turns her hand around, flattening it against the bulging shape of my cock. "And it seems that your cock can’t wait for that as well…"

"Then why are we wasting so much time?" I tell her, my heart tightening as I imagine the sweet pressure of her pussy lips as they wrap themselves around my thick shaft. Ever since our first time, I can’t stop thinking about it… In a way, I almost feel like a virgin, completely dazed by the body of the woman brave enough to rob me of my sanctity.

"You’re right, let’s stop wasting time," she whispers, her fingers now moving around my waist. Hooking them on my pants, she yanks them down hard and they slide down to my knees.

Cupping my ass cheeks, her fingers digging into my flesh, she then uses her thumbs to pull my boxer briefs down. My cock springs free the moment she does it, pointing up and straight at her pussy, as if it knows exactly the place it needs to be. Seriously, sometimes I think that my cock has a mind of its own.

Kicking off my shoes in a hurry, I step out of my pants and boxer briefs, and she helps me do the rest by pushing my shirt down my arms. With all my clothes bunched up around my feet, I finally take one step forward and close in on her, our bodies so close that I can almost feel the air around us simmering with heat.

"Do it, Connor… Fuck me," she whispers, looking straight at me with those temptress eyes. Never taking my eyes off hers, I curl my fingers around my cock and angle it down, my tip brushing against her wet inner lips. Instead of thrusting right away, I simply keep on brushing the tip of my cock against her wetness, moving it up and down with maddening patience.

"Fuck me, fuck me now," she repeats, her hands going to my back. She digs her fingernails deep into my flesh, pulling me into her, but I resist.

Turns out, I think I want to hear her beg.

Tags: Alexis Angel Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024