Blessed - Page 84

"That’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard," he whispers, looking up at me, his head positioned between my breasts.

"What?" I scrunch my nose in confusion.

"You moaning my name," he clarifies, and I know I’m beet-red as the blood rushes to my face.

"Well, if you keep doing that, I don’t think I can stop myself," I bite my bottom lip and I can see the lust cloud over in his eyes as he blinks slowly before moving to my other breast and repeating his routine, this time a little rougher, until I shriek out in overwhelming pleasure.

Moving further down my body, he grazes my belly with the tip of his nose and it feels like a shock every time his touch comes near my hypersensitive skin. My entire body is on edge, every single inch of me. Once he arrives at my navel, he pauses, circling the sensitive spot with juicy, tongue-laced kisses, which he continues down to my pelvis until he is kissing through the thin fabric of my lace thong.

Thomas tugs at my pants, and I lift my hips to help him remove my pants as he pulls them down my legs. He throws my pants to the pile of clothes in the corner of my room, and I instantly place my thumbs into the waistband of my panties, eager to strip naked, but Thomas quickly stops me.

"Slow down, baby," he chuckles as his eyes sparkle.

"I want you," I whine, and Thomas bites his bottom lip, and he’s even sexier if that’s even possible.

"I know, baby. Trust me, I want you too. But I’ve envisioned this a lot. I’m not going to rush it. I want to see you," he explains.

His eyes take me in as his fingers trace my body, pausing at my hip as he twists my body with only a few of his fingers. Rolling onto my belly, I glance over my shoulder to see him biting his lip as hips eyes squint, looking at my bare ass, exposed in my thong. Without looking up to me, he lowers his body to my ass, biting my soft, pale cheek, and I gasp in shock.

Layering kisses up my hip, his teeth graze my hip and I feel the lace begin to lower down my thigh. Looking back, I see Thomas with the panties clenched in his teeth, taking my panties off with his mouth. The sight turns me on so much; it’s so naughty.

His head moves back up my legs, his mouth so close I can feel his breath on my sex. The warm air feels cool on my wet opening, and when his tongue splits my pussy lips, exposing my needy clitoris, I gasp at the incredible sensation. I feel my entire body on edge; everything feels like a dream as he kisses me down there like he kisses my mouth.

"Oh God," I moan, as my back arches. Without thinking, my body shifts to push myself toward him, my pelvis shameless as it works to angle my pussy perfectly. I expected nothing less, but this is amazing. Vibrations are building in my belly, like waves of emotion so large I fear them growing.

My chest is heaving, as I grow anxious like I’m being lifted on a roller coaster. I know there has to be a drop, and from the feeling in my belly, it can’t be far. My legs begin to tremble, and a deep fear resides in the pit of my stomach as a range of emotions run through me, confusion being a strong one.

What the hell is happening? Thomas feels so good, but I can’t even focus on him as my body races towards an unknown feeling brewing deep inside me. I can tell he’s experienced from the way he moves about my body, like he knows it better than me already.

My God, he’s good with that mouth, and then he slides a finger in me and I feel the wind escape me, the vibrations now louder than my heartbeat. Thomas mutters something under his breath, but I can’t even hear him, there’s a loud roaring in my ears, sounds of the ocean, as the waves rack through me, my body falling over an edge of pleasure while I cry out in ecstasy.

"Thomas!" I yell as my insides explode.

"I’ve got you, baby," Thomas assures me, climbing back up my body.

"What was that?" I wonder aloud and he looks at me incredulously before shaking his head.

"You came really heard, babe," he smirks proudly as I struggle to catch my breath.

Thomas kisses my cheek and begins to move back down my body, but I can’t take anymore of this foreplay. I want him, and I want him now. I ‘ve waited long enough and made him wait long enough. I want to feel him inside of me and I can’t stand to put it off another second.

"Thomas, please," I beg him, as my fingernails claw at his shoulders.

"Slow down, baby. I have to ease you into this. I’m not going to hurt you," he glances up, locking eyes with me to let me know how serious he is.

"You won’t hurt me," I promise, trying to look as confident as possible.

"Nicole, if I don’t get you super wet, I’ll never fit. You’ve got the tightest…" His voice fades as a smirks spreads across his face. His mouth is back on my sex before I can think of a rebuttal, and with that all of my thoughts turn to mush as I submit to his will, a slave under his spell.

"Yes," I moan, my body contorting to feel him best.

This time, my body builds much quicker, and knowing what’s happening and what to expect makes it less scary as I race toward another cl

imax. Sliding two fingers inside me, Thomas moves in circles, as if he’s making room for his grand entrance. The pleasure of him stretching me is divine, and I feel my breathing grow erratic as I inch toward another explosion.

"Mmm…" Thomas hums with my sex in his mouth, causing a strange vibration to rock through me. It feel like my opening is vibrating and I’m left right at the brink, needing the slightest push to fall over board.

Just then he takes my clit in his mouth and sucks gently, and it is my undoing as a second orgasm pours out of me, my voice weak and high pitched as I cry his name. As soon as I begin to come down from my release, my body still on a climactic high, Thomas climbs my body, kissing me deeply, and I taste myself on his tongue.

Tags: Alexis Angel Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024