Blessed - Page 101

"Okay," I whisper, overwhelmed with emotion, making it hard to speak clearly, so I’m more than relieved when I hear him messing around with containers as he moves about beside me, presumably preparing his game.

"Are there rules to this game?" I wonder aloud.

"Uh… Yes. The first rule is you have to do what I say," he says curtly.

"Well, that’s the regular," I sass and I can hear him smiling.

"The second rule is you have to taste things and tell me what it is," he explains excitedly.

"Okay, and then what’s my prize?" I ask.

"Prize?" he asks confused.

"Yeah, if I guess correctly, what do I win?" I clarify.

"Me," he says flatly like that should have been obvious.

Before I can begin to argue that I would’ve gotten him regardless, I decide that’s the best prize I could get, so I smile and prepare myself, ready for his game.

"Is that sufficient enough of a prize?" he asks, his lips close to mine, and then he tugs at my lip.

"I love when you do that," I breathe.

"Do you?" he asks before again tugging my lip.

"You know I do," I lean forward, over-estimated how far away he was and our lips crash together.

"What makes you so sure I knew that?" he asks after laying three soft kisses on my lips.

"Because I know that you know what I like," I bite my bottom lip as a grin threatens to spread.

"And how do you know that?" he asks.

"Because you’re the one that taught me what I like," I whisper.

I can hear the breath escape him, and although I don’t know if that’s a good or a bad thing, I can sense that he’s staring at me. Knowing that I’m under his glare makes me blush, of course. And then I feel his legs on mine, his tongue sliding into my mouth, but there’s something in his mouth. My tongue explores, tasting the creamy flavor, and he pulls away.

"What is it?" he asks excitedly.

"Hmm…" I lick my lips, savoring the flavor.

"Peanut butter?" I guess.

"Good job!" he kisses my lips.

Although I’m not technically seeing him, I’ve never seen him be so giddy and childlike. It's such a privilege to have him relax around me and show me a different side of himself, even if I am banned from watching it unfold.

I hear what sounds like a plastic container beside me, and then the sound of a drawer opening and closing.

"When did you put that peanut butter in your mouth?" I question. I was not expecting that when he leaned in to kiss me.


an excellent multi-tasker. Now, open up," he move on to the next item and I hold my mouth open until cold metal touches my tongue. Closing around the intrusion, I slide the contents off the fork and swirl my tongue in my mouth to taste the flavors.

It’s definitely chocolate, and airy, yet creamy. It’s actually quite divine.

"Can I have another bite?" I twist my lips and feel a swift kiss from him.

Tags: Alexis Angel Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024