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The bitch of it is, that the Estates were built in the 1950s as a place for returning veterans from Korea and all the other wars to settle down in. Have a nice, comfortable middle class life. And sure, it may have been like that for a while. But then like all fucking wealthy billionaires, the property was built, the city paid all the fees and shit that the developers charged, and then because it was affordable housing, people just forgot about it. And by forget, that means they forgot about the people who ended up moving in there too.

How do I know all this?

Because I fucking grew up there. I fucking walked past the Irish gangs that roamed the hallways, looking to recruit me. I used to walk back from school with books inside a pizza box so that the kids wouldn’t hassle me. Because if they saw me with books, they would have kicked my fucking ass.

But then I started growing up. I started working out. Playing sports. And I started getting bigger. That’s when it got even fucking worse. Now they wanted to pick a fight to see if they could beat me.

My parents both had jobs, mind you. They both worked every day of their lives, till they died. God rest both their souls.

But I never forgot where I grew up. And why it was like that. Because people stopped caring about the everyday American. And those people had no fucking voice.

Because of elites like Carter Andrews. And his father.

That’s why the fucking environment can kiss my fucking ass right now. People in this town need jobs. They need dignity.

But Vivian Hawthorne? Sure, she’s a blue blood. Family came over on the Mayflower. Dad ran a successful asset management business.

But from everything I can tell, this woman doesn't take any shit. She’s a strong, independent woman. She knows what she wants. And she goes after and gets it.

But along the way, she doesn’t put any skeletons in her closet either. She’s good. Too good.

But that’s the problem, right now. Because people who….

Wait, did you hear that?

I get up from the chair that I’m sitting in. I had thought that I would take the morning to relax with a cup of coffee in the library, but apparently that’s not going to happen now, based on the fact that I hear the sound of a car engine out in the driveway. I walk toward the front door, anticipating someone coming up the porch. I’m dressed in a pair of pajama bottoms. That’s all. I don’t give a fuck. Let whoever is at the door get a good look at my fucking ripped torso. If it’s a woman, she can have a nice long drool at my defined pecs and 8-pack abs. If it’s a guy, well, maybe he’ll get jealous. Otherwise he’ll get hard. Either way, I got nothing to fucking hide.

The bell rings, and I open the door.

I’ve never seen her before. She’s Asian. I figure from everything I know, I’m guessing Chinese? Slim. Nice pair of tits. Shoulder length black hair. Slender. Black pencil skirt.

"Mayor Jeffries?" she asks in perfect crisp English. I don’t know why I was expecting any different but I shake myself the fuck awake.

Since when do beautiful Asian women come knocking on my fucking door?

Well, actually, don’t try to answer that because I had this one reporter come through and knock I think maybe three weeks ago? Although she was Japanese. Anyways, came with some flimsy excuse about wanting to interview the youngest mayor in America. Ten fucking minutes. That’s how long before her skirt was hiked up around her waist and she was calling out to God as I rammed my cock into her fucking cunt. Made her cum so hard she was literally trembling.

"Are you okay?" the lady asks again and I snap out of whatever that was up there.

"Hi, yeah I’m the mayor," I say to the woman, instinctively putting out my hand. "You are?"

She shakes my hand. She’s got a firm grip. "My name is Tina Ling, and I’m representing the city of Shanghai in the People’s Republic of China," she says to me.

She looks me in the eyes. "Can I come inside?"

I nod and let her through.

She walks by me without another glance and I swear to God I can’t help but cock my head a bit and look at her ass as she walks in.

"What can I do for you, Mayor?" I ask slowly as I close the door. "Would you like to sit down?"

That’s when she turns to me.

"Actually, I won’t be here long, Mr. Jeffries," she says all business. "I came all this way to talk to you in person because I think it’s important that you should know what I can offer you."

Well, fuck. I wasn’t expecting anyone to offer me anything, so I guess I can listen to her.

"I know what you’re trying to do with the Boltiador Family, Mr. Jeffries," Tina Ling says, not even bothering to address me by Mayor. I don’t normally care, but in this instance it seems like she’s doing it on purpose. "And I’m here to offer you a deal not to bring them here to this town."

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