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Mr. President

Page 65

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But don’t forget. I’m the one in control here. Not her. My laughing is just a sign that I’m not fucking threatened. Because I’m not.

“Then what the fuck are you doing here?” I ask. Yeah, yeah, I know what you’re going to say. But she said ‘fuck’ first.

“Waiting to see how you’re going to try and fuck me,” she says and leans back as the waiter brings our dirty martinis to the table. He gives her a sidelong glance, obviously hearing the last part of our exchange. Ashley smiles and twirls her hair in one finger absently.

“What do you do?” she asks me.

I raise my glass. “Steal cabs from women outside of strip clubs so I can rescue them from ex-boyfriends during the day.”

She smiles and raises her glass and we click in a toast. “Thank you for the other night,” she says to me.

“Don’t mention it,” I tell her. “I was just passing by.”

“I hope you know that it doesn’t entitle you to sleep with me or anything like that,” she says to me, staring into my eyes.

“I don’t think it entitles me to anything,” I say to her and she looks at me with curiosity. Where am I taking this, she’s probably wondering. “But I know you’re still wondering what it would be like if I fucked you.”

If I’d gotten up and whipped out my 12-inch cock and waved it around, Ashley wouldn’t be any more surprised it seems like.

“That’s what I’m wondering?” she asks me, her eyes wide.

I nod my head. “Since you got on your way over here. You’re also wondering about these tattoos you can faintly see underneath my shirt the way your eyes are moving.”

Ashley takes a sip of her martini and leans closer on the table toward me.

“What else am I thinking?” she asks, this time into a bit more of a smile. “I’m curious because you seem to know so much better than I do.”

“You’re thinking if my apartment is only a block away, how you can legitimately end up giving me an opportunity to ask you to come up,” I reply back to her, not breaking her stare.

“So you can fuck me?” she asks, pretending to make sure.

“So you can cum till you pass the fuck out,” I clarify for her.

“That good?” she asks back with an arched eyebrow.

“Even better,” I parry back to her.

She pauses for a moment. “So didn’t you just give me the opportunity to legitimately give you the chance to ask me to go to your apartment?” Ashley asks with a twinkle. “When you brought up the whole fact of bringing it up, can’t I take it?”

I smile. This was fucking easy I think to myself as I beckon the waiter and get up. But unlike most girls, this one knows what she’s doing. She might end up being quite a bit of fun.

We’ll see. Like I told her—and you—my apartment is literally a block away.

She gets out of her chair.

“Are you taking me up on my legitimate chance?” she asks with amusement. “Are we going to your apartment?”

“I figured I’d show you around,” I tell her. I know what I’m doing. I’m the one in control, remember?

“Then maybe I should do this,” she says and takes two steps over.

She reaches over and grabs my head with both hands and pulls my mouth close to hers. In a moment, I’m kissing her. Our lips part and our tongues meet as our eyes close. She massages her tongue gently over mine and I’m in heaven.

Before I know it, she’s pulled back.

“I’ll meet you outside,” she says and turns around. I watch her hips sway and her ass cheeks flex as she walks out.

Every eye in the restaurant is on me. I literally have no idea what to fucking do.

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