Mr. President - Page 151

Once he’s done, he goes up to his feet, moving slowly but steadily, and offers me his hand. I grab it and he pulls me up as well. We turn to the crowd and, after blinking twice, I realize that every single woman in here is clapping. Their hands touch each other frantically, the sound drowning out the music and their own cheers. I’ve never seen anything like this. The atmosphere right now… It’s simply unbelievable. This is women’s private Paradise.

This is Python.



“Destiny’s,” I tell my driver as he opens the door for the limo.

I usually don’t ride around New York in the limo; I usually keep it at Python so that it can be used for business, but today I couldn’t be fucking bothered to take a cab.

I’m in a hurry to get to Destiny’s club.

And no, there’s no special reason aside from the fact that I want to fucking see her, okay?

That woman is like a fucking drug, and it seems that I can’t go without her for more than 24 hours at a time. I swear to God.

Just talking about her to you is enough to get my cock hard.

I mean, those 12 inches start complaining after that much time has passed and it hasn’t fucking tasted Destiny.

Yeah, this is a first for me. I don’t think I've ever cared this much about a woman. But then again, Destiny is so much more than just a woman. She’s fucking stunning, yeah, but it’s not only that. Just look at how much she has accomplished—club owner at 26 years old? That takes someone very special to pull that off, never mind if you're a woman or a man. Trust me, I know how hard it is.

Traffic’s a bit rough today over the 59th street bridge, so it takes almost an hour to make the drive from Queens to Manhattan. I spend that time going through my e-mail and going over Python’s financials, so I’m pretty glad by the time the limo halts to a stop under Dirty Destiny’s bright red sign. There’s already a line at the place, and the bouncers are already turning away a lot of folks; business seems to be flourishing for her.

“Wait here,” I tell the driver as I step out of the limo, “I’ll let you know once I’m done.”

“Mr. Python,” one of the bouncers calls after me, addressing me by the name that most of the fucking city has started to use since that Out and About article, leaving his spot and escorting me straight to the main entrance.

A lot of people start complaining as I cut the line, but hey, what the fuck am I supposed to?

Stand in line like a good little boy? C’mon.

I button up my jacket as I step inside Dirty Destiny’s main floor and, just as I suspected, the place is packed. There are two dancers on the stage, and the men are throwing dollar bills at them as if they could cure cancer.

Sex really brings out the best in fucking people, huh?

That’s probably Junior’s college money.

Their daughter's are probably gonna have to fucking strip now to make college money because Daddy stuffed it down a fucking g-string.

Fuck, those daughters might be out there selling their virginity to the highest bidder. Like a lot of the fucking Kindle books that are coming out nowadays.

“Where’s Destiny?” I ask the bouncer, and he points up at the one-way windows overlooking the stage. The office, then. I thank him and head straight up; another bouncer calls up to tell him I’m coming, and he steps to the side as I walk up to the stars.

By the time I reach the balcony, Destiny is already waiting for me there, a big grin on her face.

“Came to see me or to enjoy the show?” she asks, taking one step toward me. I grab her by the ass immediately, pull her into me and crush my mouth against hers. I don’t give a fuck if anyone sees us kissing; we’re two grown ass adults and I’m far too busy to be keeping stuff like this a secret.

“I came for a show… A private one,” I tell her, and her response is a quick one. She likes to shoot from the hip.

“Well, I hope you’ve brought your big boy wallet, then.”

“No, I forgot about it,” I whisper against her ear, “but I brought something bigger than that.” Smiling, she takes her hand straight to my crotch, curling her fingers around my erection. Yeah, that’s right, I’m already fucking hard. Just seeing her is enough to make me pop a boner.

“Well, I’m going to need to inspect it first…” She pulls, softly squeezing my cock, and I become even harder. If she keeps teasing me, my cock might just rip its way out of my pants.

“Yeah? Am I up for an oral inspection?”

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024