Mr. President - Page 251

close, he’s groaning loudly, completely lost in pleasure.

Lost in a daze, I don’t even notice the signs of his impending orgasm. I only realize he’s about to come when he grunts, breathing out sharply through his gritted teeth. Before I can take my mouth to his cock, thick ropes of cum gush onto my face. I barely have the time to close my eyes, his gooey semen coating every inch of skin on my face as I open my mouth wide. His salty flavor hits me at once, coating my tongue and filling me up to the brim. I don’t even bother to wait for him to finish: I swallow all the semen inside my mouth as he keeps cumming, his fluids covering everything in their way. From my hair to my tits, nothing is safe.

Then, with a growl, he leans in and places his hands on my waist. Harshly he forces me to lay down on my stomach, his cock always spasming as he goes about it. Gushing like a fountain, he covers my back, and angling his cock, starts to aim at my ass. His warm juices drip down between my ass cheeks, completely covering my crack and pooling over my asshole. I remain like that for God knows how long, feeling heavy drops of cum hitting every square inch of naked skin.

When he’s finally done, I turn to look at him, but he acts quickly, with his hands on my waist again, he keeps in place, lying down on my stomach.

“Don’t move,” he orders me, “I’m not done yet.” And then, with no explanation whatsoever, he leans in. I feel his tongue on my neck, licking all the cum there, and then he moves it down to my back. He doesn’t stop, tracing a perfect straight line toward my ass and picking all the cum on the way there. He only makes a small detour to kiss the dimples on my lower back, sucking in all the cum that has pooled there, but soon he is on his way again.

Shuddering, I feel his tongue moving over my crack. When he’s close to my hole, he places both hands on my buttocks and pushes them apart, clearing the way for his mouth. He dives in then, pressing his lips against my asshole and scooping up all the cum that has accumulated there. My muscles twitch as he licks me, ripples of pleasure still travelling up and down my spine, and I let out a loud moan as he starts using his tongue to lick my crack, stroking me softly. I shudder and tremble; soft whimpers on my mouth as he licks me dry. He only stops when there’s not a drop more of cum on my ass.

Finally done, he comes up, lying down by my side; I open my eyes, taking in the beautiful sight of his cum-coated lips. There’s semen all over his face, dripping down his chin and neck. I grin and inch closer to him, pressing my mouth against his; with an electric touch, our tongues dance around one another, swapping whatever cum we still hold inside our mouths.

Pulling back, we smile at each other, and without feeling the need for words, we swallow. I watch as his Adam’s apple rises and falls, his own cum going down his throat.

If anyone came inside the room right now, they’d see two people lying down side-by-side, their bodies covered in cum. One would be a young man, the other would be a woman closing in on her forties. It would be an unlikely couple, sure, but what they wouldn’t realize is that love doesn’t care about details. It doesn’t care that he’s younger, or that I’m older. It doesn’t care that our sex is hot and dirty. Love only cares about the truth. And the truth, my friend, is that I finally found love.

And I found it in Lance Anders, my hot young lover.


New York Daily Journal

From the Desk of Amanda Adams, the Professional Gossiper of Page Two.

Welcome to Page Two Gossip, here’s what we’re hearing around the halls of power:

After an election with more twists and turns than a roller coaster on Coney Island, the city has finally decided on it’s mayor for the next four years.

That’s right, New Yorkers, the post of Hizzoner will be once again held by Michael Anders. Mayor Anders becomes the first openly gay mayor in the history of New York City and New York City becomes the largest city in the world with an openly gay mayor.

Already, Hollywood executives are rushing to City Hall to buy the rights to the story—something that seems like it could come out of a racy romance novel rather than reality.

Perhaps most striking in transformation is the Mayor himself, who gave a much more subdued acceptance speech once all exit polls were closed, calling for unity and compassion between all New Yorkers—no longer the firebrand of moral righteousness that he was on the campaign trail.

The Mayor, who had been accompanied through most of his campaign by his wife and stepson, spoke alone this time around.

Sources are telling me that Lance Anders and Jocelyn Anders left by the Anders' private jet to London shortly after their gripping press conference two days before the election. Sources inside City Hall were not able to confirm whether the pair had in fact voted.

Mayor Anders, in addition to his conciliatory tone that he took throughout the final days of his campaign after the what many are deeming the ‘press conference to end all press conferences’ is putting in place plans that are a vast departure from his traditional ‘family values’ principles he put out during the summer. Instead, campaign and administration officials stressed that the first year of Hizzoner’s second term will be focused on job training for displaced workers, as well as luring more manufacturing and specialty jobs back into the city that have been lost through automation and factory closings. The mayor is apparently also considering an across the board tax cut for middle income and low income families that will assist those who are currently struggling in the city’s economy.

While critics of the Mayor, who state that he can sometimes run roughshod over his enemies, have stated that only time will tell if his startling admission to being gay will mean a kinder and gentler politician, already many in New York who felt alienated by Michael Anders are celebrating.

“I hate to say anything good about the man, considering I spent the last several months saying bad things, but it looks like after that doozie of a press conference, we’ll see a more open and honest Michael Anders,” Jim Jenkins, his opponent commented to me after his concession speech. He went on to state, “Whereas before, if you were unemployed, elderly, poor, a single mother, working in manufacturing, or just basically not wealthy, you had cause for concern, it seems that the Mayor coming clean about his own skeletons has made him say and do some very, very different things.”

Only time will tell what the relationship with Mayor Anders and the City of New York will be like. During that time, many of you in Gotham will undoubtedly be wondering what happens to his estranged stepson who seems to have for the moment absconded with his wife.

“Since the Mayor and Jocelyn Carter were never truly married it turns out due to the form not being properly signed, there’s no real reason for a divorce,” his Chief of Staff Kenneth Loomis stated when contacted about this issue. “The Mayor wishes them both every happiness and hopes that they will keep him abreast of news of his grandson. But in all honesty, he’s probably going to be more focused on running the city.”

Citizens polled during Election Day stated overwhelmingly that the Mayor’s burst of honesty was what had made them finally favor him. Many stated that holding back such a key facet regarding his personality had affected him in other areas in how he presented himself to the public, which all coalesced to create such low approval ratings for him despite his photogenic family. I think that once citizens learned the full story of their Mayor, we began to realize that we may not like him as a person on some levels because he’s so busy, but the job of Mayor requires someone who will give it their all and sacrifice everything else. And that made him the top choice, by a margin of 63% to 37%.

That about does it for my coverage of this election cycle. I either need a vacation from politics, a long, hot shower to feel clean again, or both.

I can’t wait till Lance and Jocelyn come back to New York though—they’re currently in London—and you can bet that as soon as they have their baby that this newspaper will be all over them, getting the facts for your reading pleasure. Till we hear more, this is Amanda Adams signing off. Keep your ears open, New York.



Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024