Mr. President - Page 268

or more of me; I can read it in his face. And, well… I’m also dying for more. Grabbing his hair by the root, I start to sway my hips violently, grinding against him as harshly as I can. My pussy is pressed tight against his hard cock, and even though there are still layers of fabric between the two of us; I don’t let that stop me. Right now, I’m not doing this for him; I’m doing it for me.

I ride him as if we were fucking, and even though I’m just grinding against his thickness, I feel a coiled tension building up inside of me. Fierce and wild, it’s still in its chains… But it won’t take long to break free. I know I should keep my cool right now, but I can’t stop myself. How could I say no to pleasure when it’s breathing down my neck and whispering my name?

As the tension inside my muscles grows into a thunderstorm, I have to grit my teeth. Throwing my head back, I close my eyes and let pleasure wash all over me. My jaw is hurting, but I refuse to open my mouth; if I do it, I won’t be able to stop myself from moaning or screaming. As fireworks go off inside my head, I do my best to hide it from everyone. Building up all the tension between Ethan and I is key, and I can’t allow anyone to figure out how much I’m enjoying this. In a wicked way, the more I try to pretend my brain isn’t frying right now, the more the fangs of pleasure bury themselves into my soul.

Even though I remain silent, my mind, body, and soul are screaming inwardly. Ecstasy rages me through like a vicious flood, and even my pussy is spasming. God, what I wouldn’t give to fuck him right here, right now.

My muscles are twitching, and there’s an urge inside of me to surrender to a feverish frenzy, but I hold my own and keep grinding against him. Then my entire body tenses and it's as if a fiery hot bolt of electricity is coursing through me—head to toe.

I steady myself by gripping Ethan's strong, hard chest. And the next moment, I explode. A million mini internal fireworks are popping off and my pussy is spasming harder and faster than I've ever felt before. I feel like I want to collapse, but I can't.

I have to maintain my composure. I open my eyes—I realize I had them squeezed shut—and I take a deep breath. Did he notice? It's hard to say.

God, I know I shouldn’t be saying this, but I didn’t want it to be over this quickly. I could keep going like this forever… Of course, but then I probably wouldn’t be able to resist the pull of his cock. Hey, what can I say? I was having fun. Lots of it.

I take one deep breath, and acting as solemnly as I can, I let go of his hair and sit up. The audition is over. It’s just the first step in a long ladder of strategic moves, but it’s done at least. And I think I nailed it, although I started my little show feeling as confident as I could, I have to admit I was a bit afraid of screwing the whole thing up.

“I hope you enjoyed it,” I merely say, dismounting him as I speak. It almost hurts to do it, but I have to act as coldly as I can. Acting like a true professional, my personality goes from lewd and seductive to straightforward; my audition is done. I turn my back to Ethan and pick my bra and dress from the floor; as if nothing happened, I get dressed as casually as possible. He remains frozen in place, unmoving, and I’m sure that a river of raging adrenaline is still coursing through his veins.

As I walk back to my seat, I can’t help but look at him once again. Looking back over my shoulder, I smile and give him a wink for good measure. I know he’s going to be thinking of me for the rest of the day, and that’s exactly what I want.

Even though Ethan is just a target, one thing is for sure: he’s going to be in my dreams tonight. And I can’t wait to meet him there.



"I'd say girls 25, 26, and 27 were our strongest candidate," Joel says, an eager smile plastered across his face. He's leaning back in his chair, his arms held above his head. He's swiveling back and forth. He seems pretty happy with the turnout at the audition. And I am too.

Of course he'd list girls 25 and 27, I think to myself. They fucking had their lips wrapped around his fucking cock, and he sure didn't hide the fact that he was enjoying it. He was anything but shy. He was downright eager. But if it were up to me, I'd say girl 26 was the hottest fucking prospect.

How does Joel not see that? Maybe because she was in my lap, not his. That ass. Those legs. Those smoldering eyes framed by a waterfall of blonde hair that flows down to her shoulders. I mean, the woman gave my cock its own heartbeat for god's sake!

What more can I ask for? And whom am I kidding? Of course it's up to me who we hire. It's my fucking company. I'll hire whomever the fuck I want to.

"I'm telling you, girl number 26 is a star waiting to fucking happen," I say with total conviction. I put my hands up in the air, palms up, in a gesture that says this is a no-brainer. "I don't even know why we're still having this discussion."

"Is she a star, or does this have to do with the fact that she seemed to be all over you during that audition?" Joel asks. "I mean, she only had eyes for you. She never once looked in my direction or acknowledged my existence. In fact, the entire room didn't exist to her—if it wasn't for your presence."

I nearly roll my eyes. "Don't sound so jealous Joel," I laugh.

"Are you guys referring to Brittney?" Cheryl asks me, looking down at her stack of papers. She looks up and eyes me suspiciously because I'm not normally in these meetings. It's like she's known me long enough to have a sixth sense or something. I know what she's thinking too. She's looking at me like some overprotective mother hen. I have to play it cool, like I really don't give a fuck about woman number 26, just to keep her from giving me that fucking annoying sideways glance of hers.

"We also have those twins… Bella and Ella… that could make for some interesting video shots and story lines," Joel chimes in. "That's every guy's fantasy, isn't it?"

"The two brunettes? Speak for yourself. You think just because they're twins with big tits that they'd be perfect for Illicit Entertainment? That they're star material? Please. Give me a fucking break. They're boring. They're predictable," I yawn.

"What's with you this week?" Cheryl asks. "You're acting different."

"Because I give a shit about who's cast this month? There's nothing fucking different about me. Illicit Entertainment is my brainchild. Can you blame me for wanting to make sure we cast a real star this month? We have a lot fucking riding on our new technology. We've sunk millions into it. We're taking this company into the next fucking century and beyond—now's not the time to take our foot off the gas pedal."

This seems to make sense to her—or maybe she's still wrapping her head around it all—but she shrugs her shoulders. She looks back at her clipboard and reads through the audition list again.

"OK, so does this mean that women numbers 25 and 27—Ella and Bella—are out?" Cheryl asks.

"Why can't we just bring on all three?" Joel suggests. He clearly doesn't want to let those girls go.

I sigh and continue to make my case. "Of course it means they're out, Cheryl. And Joel, if this were simply about bringing on more women—sure, we could hire all three. Hell, we could hire a thousand in the next hour! But let's remember what we set out to do with this audition. Are you forgetting? The point was to find the industry's next big star—a super star for our new platform! And a star isn't predictable. She has an almost ethereal quality that hooks you in. Do you understand what I'm saying here? She carries a unique, dynamic draw. She's sexy, but confident. She's the woman who's just beyond your reach."

Tags: Alexis Angel Billionaire Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024