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Mr. President

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There has to be something here! I can tell there's something here underneath the surface.

This company is trying to hide something. You know that feeling you get when you can tell that something isn't right about a person or place, but you just can't spot it or put your finger on it?

Well, that's how I feel about Red Lion Aviation.

There just seems to be something that doesn't add up.

I mean, if Mason hadn't told me on his own like he did earlier, then I would have been researching them anyways. Half the company is making the case for Red Lion. The other half is making the case against them.

It's like Kane Price is fighting a civil war within its walls. On one side are people who are listening to Lorna, thinking they should go in and invest in the company for a very substantial stake.

On the other hand are people like Mason who are getting their sixth sense tingling when they see the reports on this company.

Don't get me wrong. There's nothing overtly wrong with them. On paper they seem to have solid fundamentals. They are turning a slight profit every quarter. They seem to be expanding. They don't have any major safety issues … recently, anyways.

But they just seem too....manufactured. Too shiny. As if there is a rottenness hiding inside.

Here is what I know so far, in case you wanted to Google them.

Red Lion Aviation is headquartered in Malaysia. They trade on the New York, Frankfurt, London, and NASDAQ stock exchanges.

They were founded ten years ago by an Indonesian oil tycoon and were based in Jakarta, Indonesia before moving their operations over to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

They run flights between Sydney, Singapore, Bangkok, Jakarta, Bali, KL, and other cities in Southeast Asia.

An investment the size that Mom is talking about would significantly increase their reach and they would start offering flights into the lucrative US market.

Something like this would increase their revenues and profits maybe by about a thousand times, I think.

Just to put that into perspective, if you have a one billion dollar investment in this company, imagine multiplying that by a thousand.

That's right. If Mom is right, this investment could net Kane Price a cool one trillion dollars.

It's just incomprehensible this amount of money.

No wonder so many people in the Firm are making such a big deal about it.

But if something were to go wrong…

I'm shuddering at the implications at a one billion dollar bet that goes south.

Mason would get most of the blame. They'd probably have to eliminate several departments and have years of belt tightening. No salary increases. No bonuses. Cutbacks on benefits.

Investors would jump out of a lot of the Kane Price products. They'd think that the Firm was just poorly run, which means that the fund managers would have to sell positions and maybe even take losses. Which would be a death spiral as more and more people pull their money out.

You know what's ironic?

If Mason does this investment and takes Mom's advice, and it goes bad, then basically people are going to say that he doesn't have the right judgment to lead the Firm and they're going to try and expel him.

But if he doesn't do this investment, they're going to say the same thing.

I know what you're thinking, hun. You're not saying it, but I know you're wondering about it.

Why am I still around him, right?

I mean, even if you didn't think it, it probably crossed your mind at some point or another.

I mean, I'm smart. People tell me I'm pretty, but it's hard to tell some mornings, you know?

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