Executive Engagement - Page 28

“That’s right,” I moan, and I’m not even sure who I’m talking to at this point—Paxton, or Will. “Just like that. Make it happen—make it fucking happen!”

Just like I thought I would, I had the biggest orgasm of my life…followed by several little ones. Never have I ever felt like this before. No man has ever satisfied me like Will Ambrose just did.

At the same time, Will slings cum from his cock all over my stomach, my breasts, my desk—everywhere.

He smiles down at me. “That was the best fuck I’ve ever had!”

I can only hope Mr. Paxton didn’t hear Will say that. My hands are still tied with the phone cord, the phone still cradled in my neck.

“What did you just say, Ms. Connor?” Mr. Paxton asks.

“Nothing. I didn’t say anything.” I motion at Will to untie me so I can hold the phone with my hand.

He doesn’t take the hint, though.

“It sure sounded like someone’s in the room with you and said something. I heard a man’s voice,” Mr. Paxton says. “Is there something funny going on here?”

“So what do you say to that purchase?” I attempt to get the conversation back on track.

“I…I already told you that I need to speak with my board, Ms. Connor.”

“I have other companies who are interested, so I’ll need an answer from you by the end of the day.”

I watch Will walk away from me and grab some paper towels from a stack on the counter.

He cleans off his cock.

“What do you say, Mr. Paxton?” I ask.

Will stands next to me. He swings his hips, and I see his cock wiggling around.

The other end’s silent. I’m sure he’s hung up on me.

“Well…you know what, let’s do it. You drive a hard bargain, Ms. Connor, but you’ve got yourself a deal,” Mr. Paxton says.

“That’s great. I appreciate your business,” I say. “I’ll have the paperwork done and sent to you by the end of the day.”

“Sounds…good. Very good. Very…”

The other end goes dead.

“Are you impressed yet?” I tell Will.

“You fucking bet I am,” Will adds, laughing.



I watch Kat’s throat as she tips her head back, swallowing half a bottle of sake.

It’s her third.

She surprises me constantly. I thought I’d do the gentlemanly thing and take her out to my favorite sushi bar. I never thought she would share my passion for wasabi and sake.

The food’s top-notch as usual, and we’re right under the action at the bar with hot pieces of meat flying out to land miraculously on plates left right and center.

The theater, the food—they usually distract and amp me up. But tonight, I’m more fascinated by those gulps of Kat’s hungry lips and her thirsty tongue.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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