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Executive Engagement

Page 32

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I jump as the door darkens and almost spill my coffee.

“Oh, here you are, Kat,” Sarah announces, all smiles as she walks into the room. She’s a cold one—I don’t think any expression on her face is ever real.

Eyes and smiles are all carefully calculated. It’s a trait I admire.

I remember thinking in the interview that if I can be half as good as that, I’m golden.

“Are you here to congratulate me on the Paxton account?”

She makes coffee for herself, licking the spoon deftly as she crosses the room to stand next to me.

“Maybe I should be. But that’s not why I’m here, though. I just want to check in, see that everything’s going well. It was a tough decision for a new CEO here; I know I made the right choice. I just want to see how you’re feeling. I know your work is good, the profit margins show that!”

She laughs, inviting me to warm up to her.

I’m not sure I want to give in. She’s Will’s sister. She’s still kind of my boss.

There’s something very dishonest about her right now, even while she is smiling and giving me big puppy sympathetic eyes.

“Yeah, I’m good,” I say, looking at my coffee like it’s something special. “It’s been a good start today—that’s why I like the work. I don’t have to think or feel.”

“How’s Will today? Have you seen him? I saw the roses in your office.”

I get that icy twist in my gut that has never failed me. Step carefully, it says.

I look her right in the face, and there it is, plain as day, behind her warm smile, her eyes are calculating.

She doesn’t give a fuck how I feel. Her plan was for me to run the company, and then she could fuck Will off and make more money while she quietly swept him and his boyish tactics under the rug.

“I saw him this morning. He’s not coming to work.”

“Ha!” she exclaims. She throws her head back, rolls her eyes, then steps close to me, conspirator-like. “That’s a first.”

“You sound impressed.”

“Look honey—I just want you to know Will has a reputation. When it comes to women, his attention span isn’t as long as his cock. I admit I put him up to that bet, but I was hoping some older baroness or duchess would buy him and get him out of my hair for a few months while he gallivanted her foreign fields and fucked her maids. Will needs a break—and I thought this would give him one. I never thought a real woman would be interested in him…”

She trails off, not looking at me, and I think the bitch just put me down so slyly I don’t have a comeback.

“Thanks for the advice,” I say.

My voice comes out deep and smooth as I straighten myself up and put my empty cup down on the counter.

I didn’t get here by faking this fucking game. I knew in the interview I was going to have to have confrontation with her sooner or later.

“I thank you for thinking of my emotional welfare,” I assure her, grinning sweetly. “But it’s totally under control. Just like the company. Make yourself busy by all means, or have another coffee. You did hire me to run your company…and your brother, apparently. I can assure you—I have both completely handled.”

A little shot of my own, if she wan

ts to imply I’m stupid.

She fucking hired me. That sword cuts both ways.

In the short walk back to my office, I feel lost. There’s a deep sinking inside and so much doubt. It’s not something I’m used to feeling.

I haven’t spoken to Will all day. Not since last night’s sex, actually.

Maybe I’ll call him, just to hear the tone in his voice. He looked at me last night in a different way, but what the fuck do I know, really?

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