Executive Engagement - Page 56

And I found it.

First Comes Love

By Alexis Angel

Copyright 2018 by Naughty Angel Publishing

All rights reserved

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only.

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“That’s it. It’s official. I’m done.”

I slam my final shot of tequila down on the bar and nod my head resolutely.

My best friend, Erin, snorts and rolls her eyes.

“Right. You keep telling yourself that, babe.”

Shooting her a sideways glare, I open my purse and pull out my lip gloss.

“See,” Erin says with a laugh, “you’re nowhere near done.”

I smack my lips together when I finish applying the gloss, then toss my blonde waves over my shoulder and give her an innocent smile.

“I meant here.”

I gesture vaguely around the dimly lit lounge that’s part and parcel of living in the Bradford—a luxury apartment building in the Upper East Side.

I fucking love it here. It costs a pretty penny, but it’s absolutely worth it.

“That’s more like it.”

Erin looks at her watch. “Because the minute Emilia Adams calls it a night at eleven p.m., then I’ll know I’ve stepped into some alternate universe.”

Yeah, so I’m the consummate party girl.

What can I say? I know how to have a good time, and as long as I’m young and free, might as well make the most of it, right?

“So where to?” I ask her, signing the slip of paper in front of me with a flourish and pushing it toward the bartender before standing to go.

I can practically feel the tequila seeping into my veins, a warm, heady rush taking over my body as I think about what kind of trouble we might get into tonight in the clubs of Manhattan.

Erin gives me a too-wide grin, not unlike the grimace emoji she’s so fond of using.

“Um, yeah, about that.”

“No way! You are not bailing on me tonight.”

I’ve got a game plan. It’s early, and we can hit up quite a few of my favorite exclusive clubs if we get started now.

“I’m sorry, Em, but I have to finish up my project. I was totally planning on figuring it out last night, but 33D was going at it even later than usual, and I couldn’t get anything done.”

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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