Executive Engagement - Page 92

By the time I get to the station, I’m still wondering why the fuck I even care what Rainier thinks about the current status of my uterus.

He’s a dude who saw me naked in the laundry room last night.

…A really hot dude.

With a body that I kind of want to put my tongue all over.

Okay. So by the time I pull my headphones on, I know exactly why I care: I want to ride Dr. Rainier McDreamboat’s dick until we both pass out from sheer fucking ecstasy, which isn’t going to happen now unless he’s one of those guys.

Considering that his note said he wanted to recommend me a maternity doctor, not stick his dick in me where the sun don’t shine, I would guess that’s not the case.

“Sinful Selections, you’re on the air,” I say into the mic as the last song fades out.

If I wasn’t a good fucking DJ, I would bitch about this to my listeners.

But since Dr. McDreamboat seems like the up-all-night type as well…fuck, with my luck he’s probably a listener to boot.

Instead, I just take the fucking call.

“Hey, Sabrina,” an attractive male voice says on the other end of the line. Not Dr. McDreamboat attractive, admittedly…but I bet he’s somebody’s type. “I’ve got a song request for you. A special one, actually.”

I laugh a little into the mic. “What’s your name, buddy? You sound a little nervous.”

He laughs back, which is a good sign. People get weird when they’re on the air sometimes—especially when the calls are coming in this late at night.

“Evan,” the caller tells me. “See, I’m here with this girl I’ve been seeing lately, and she thinks I’m too afraid to commit—so what I’m thinking is, maybe if I say it live on air to everyone in the Big Apple still awake at four in the morning, she might fucking believe me for once.”

“I’ve got your back, Evan. What’s the song?”

He tells me, and I set it up for him, keeping the volume on low so the listeners and I can hear what he has to say.

“Emilia…you’re the mouthiest fucking woman I’ve ever met. You drive me crazy. You’re so stubborn it makes me want to pull all my hair out and live the rest of my life as a bald man. And if I fuck you any fucking harder, one of these days we’re going to end up breaking my goddamn bed…

“But I love you, babe. I’m in love with you. And if you won’t be mine…I’m going to keep calling into every radio station in the city requesting this song so it haunts you for the rest of your fucking life.”

I’m seriously grinning like crazy right now. If this was any other radio station at any other time of the day, we would have had to bleep out like every third word this dude just said…

But as far as professions of lo

ve go, it’s a winner in my book.

“What do you say, Emilia?” I ask, leaning into the mic.

But the sounds that are coming from Evan’s end of the line now are…well, frankly they’re the kind that we do have to bleep.

“Horny little shits,” I laugh. “That sounds like a yes, folks.”

I turn the volume up and let the music play them out.

By the time my shift is over, the sun is coming up. I’m fumbling around for the keys to my door when I find Rainier’s note again.

Gah. This shouldn’t still be bothering me, dammit!

Except that it is. It totally is.

I shove it back into my pocket and head for the elevator.

If Evan and Emilia are getting their happily ever after…

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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