Executive Engagement - Page 104

So that’s what I was fucking afraid of this whole time?

“That’s from Bloomingdale’s, right?”

Margarita’s walking out of the walk-in closet, smiling in a way I never see her smile. Her pale, hazel eyes are focused on mine even more penetratingly than they were in the wood flooring in the living room earlier.

“It’s the only place you can get a Pan Am bag these days.”

Yes, that’s what my wife is carrying, and the thing I was afraid of. A blue leather bag.

With the logo of the defunct airline on it. From a fucking department store.

Of course, I’m not sure what’s inside the bag.

Margarita’s tried to tell me once or twice, but…

“I’m ready,” I announce aloud.

“You fucking better be. I didn’t reach up and grab this shit from the top shelf for nothing.”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, my heart rate feels like it’s starting to get a bit…swifter than usual. And my ol’ ticker really shoots up towards the stars when Margarita drops the bag on the floor with a weighty thump.

It’s a thump that means something, and I’m about to find out what.

“Seriously, Thomas, that cardigan’s getting frizzy. Take it off.”

Look, it’s a comfortable fucking sweater. The last thing I thought I’d be doing at this point in the evening is…

Fuck that shit. My hands can’t move fast enough to tear the cardigan off my shoulders. I’m starting on the buttons of my dress shirt when I hear a zip. Margarita’s opening the bag, and her fiery grin is now focused downwards at whatever she’s grabbing through the open zipper.

My heart hastens, my mouth parches, my breathing becomes heavy and slow—and so does time for a moment. It’s like I’m watching a series of vivid, brilliantly colored still frames as Margarita’s hand emerges ever so slowly from the piece of luggage.

Holding a small, purple and white squeeze tube with a plastic cap.

“Is that...toothpaste?”

“I know you’re not joking, Thomas. But you’re not charmless, either. Why’d you stop undressing?”

With the mystery and the anticipation tearing me in

a thousand different directions, I finish slipping off my dress shirt, and I start pulling off my undershirt while Margarita opens the tube.

The second I pull the shirt up over my eyes, I hear a couple rapid footsteps then the sudden sensation of greedy, eager hands pushing me down onto the mattress. There’s the feeling a warm balm of some sort being voraciously rubbed into my chest with one hand, while another grasps the top of my shirt and rips it off my arms.

The first thing I see once my shirt is off is Margarita’s hands—both of them now—massaging a violet gel across the muscular expanse of my chest, moving up towards my shoulders.

“I’m confused, is it toothpaste or not?”

“It’s concord fucking grape flavored, okay?”

“That doesn’t answer the...”

The feel of Margarita’s teeth digging lightly into my shoulder, followed by her tongue and her lips polishing off all the gel she left there, is enough to stop my words in their path.

“It’s edible massage gel,” I hear her voice snarl softly into my ear. “I mean…fucking hell, dude.”

Those wonderful words are followed by Margarita’s teeth grazing my earlobe once again, leading seamlessly into the tip of her tongue sliding slowly down the side of my neck, returning down to my shoulder, and ending its journey on the border of my sculpted fucking pecs.

The tip of her tongue, providing a riling sensation like a trail of carnal fire in its wake, becomes the side of her tongue as Margarita moves across my chest slowly. Her tongue maneuvers in ways that are both twisting and twisted in their ability to send my mind and my soul into paroxysms of excitement and desire.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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