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Executive Engagement

Page 133

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“I’ll find out for sure. Just be ready, okay, Minnie?”

“Yeah, Em. I’ll be ready.”

She hangs up, and I slip my phone back into my pocket. Already, I feel kind of fluttery and weird at the idea of being so close to Andy.

I haven’t been confident in my own shoes for a while. It’s time to fix that.

Would he even look at a simple little mouse like me? He needs someone with fire, the same flame in his own heart.

I start a new flower arrangement, focusing completely on the soft, vibrant petals. This, I can control. This, I can make beautiful.

I try not to think about tonight, but I can’t stop thinking about Andy.


The party is more crowded than I expected. I’m crushed in a corner with Evan against me, looking out an open window. I haven’t even seen Minette yet.

Evan is banging on about Emilia. I’m so fucking sick of hearing it.

“Look, man,” I say, cutting into his monologue, “we all knew it was going to blow apart. There’s no way the two of you are going to make it.”

“That’s what I’m saying,” Evan says with some heavy emphasis. He’s quite drunk. “I should never have gone for her in the first place. She can’t accept me as I am. I can’t change… I mean, I’ve tried. I’ve really fucking tried, but this thing is a no-go.”

He stares into the crowd, face almost comically sad. I slap his shoulder lightly.

“Don’t sweat it, dude. There will be others.”

He shakes his head, gripping his beer tightly. “Not like this one. There’s never going to be one like this one. And I’m fucked, I’m totally fucked up. What does she want?”

“I hear you.” My voice sinks down to a whisper as soon as I see her—Minette.

She’s on the floor with Emilia, dancing.

Holy fucking shit! Dancing!

I can’t believe my eyes. She’s wearing an amazing, dark green silky dress that swishes up when she moves, showing off her long creamy thighs. Delicate straps chase across her shoulders, the straight neckline decorated with shiny beads in a growing vine.

Evan laughs at me. “Why don’t you go get her, buddy?”

“I can’t fucking wait.” My voice is stuck in my throat, and it comes out like a growl.

There are beauties all over that dance floor that my dick should be chasing. Instead, all I see is Minnie.

I stand up, throw down my bourbon in one gulp, and run a hand through my hair.

“Well, if you don’t hurry the fuck up, I’ll have to go and talk to Emilia. And I don’t want to do that. Everyone’s having a nice time. I don’t think they want to observe another screaming match.”

I’m listening, bu

t I’m not really hearing him. I walk across the room like I’m striding across the savannah towards a lioness. Cool but confident.

Emilia sees me from where she’s dancing in front of Minnie. She waves, winks, and dives into the crowd.

Minnie swings around and fixes me with those dark blue eyes. For a moment, she looks terrified. Like she might run.

Then she smiles.

“Hello, Andy…that is your name, isn’t it?”

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