Executive Engagement - Page 139

I had never been happier before.

I was a girlfriend. Who had a boyfriend.

All that casual stuff was over.

He was mine. I could rub myself all over him every morning.

I could hold him whenever I wanted.

I could be upset and he would always try and make me happy.

I was his.

And he was mine.

And together, we were one.

“But doesn’t he travel a lot?” she asked me. “Won’t you miss him a lot?”

I stopped for a moment.

I had never thought about that.

Was our love strong enough to last the test of distance?

I know it’s weird, but I remember thinking this one question over and over. How far would he go to keep me as his personal slut, forever?


My phone buzzes, and I look to see it’s him.

God, that’s the third time today.

Can’t a guy take a hint?

Reluctantly, I answer. “Hi, Chris. Uh-huh, yeah. I had a nice time, too. No, I’m busy tonight. Sure, maybe another time. Okay, bye.”

I am so sick of dating.

At least three times a week, I’m going out with a different guy, and yeah, you might think I should be happy about it, the interest and everything, but the truth is it’s getting pretty dull.

Christopher stood out as a particularly bad date. He was conceited and just…blasé about everything. He’s a lawyer, and really, that kind of talk gets boring quickly.

I don’t care who he’s suing or for how much money.


When did the city and the dating landscape become so predictable?

I throw my Chanel purse onto the new industrial-chic chair I just bought and sink down into my soft leather couch. What a day.

As a stylist, I go out with a lot of industry people. And can I just tell you a little secret?


ys in the fashion world…not so rugged.

I find myself dating a lot of models. Some of them are cool, but for the most part, they’re self-obsessed, skinny, and egocentric.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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