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Executive Engagement

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l, hun, if this man told me to have his babies, I’d hike up my dress and spread my legs right here on the floor.

I don’t even speak as I watch him walk over to me.

"Senator Hawthorne?" he asks and holds out his hand. "I’m Governor Andrews. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person."

I just had sex this morning. But then, why am I salivating over his Greek god body that fills out his Armani tailored suit?

I take a moment to look him up and down. He's got a handsome, to die for face. Blonde hair that's perfectly coiffed. His jaw is chiseled and his face is lean. Hungry. His eyes are a piercing blue and deep. They hold something dark. That face sits on top of an elegant neck and one of the most fantastic specimens of human male I have ever seen. Shoulders so broad that they could stop a truck. A chest that you can tell has pecs the size of wooden boards. Washboard abs. A tall, 6 foot 4 inch sculpture of perfection with a bulge in his trousers that hints at a package that I might want to explore.

"I’m surprised we have never met before," I manage to speak through a dry mouth that’s panting with desire. "Considering you’ve been in office for two years and I’ve been a Senator for those two years as well."

He nods to me. "I’ve been busy," he simply says.

My eyes travel quickly over his body again and I look at his crotch. Whatever is down there is long. It’s thick. It’s pulsing. And I want it.

That’s right. I may want to fuck him. Or not. But it’s my decision. And right now, I am definitely leaning for fucking his brains out.

Control yourself, Viv! I tell myself as I get my eyes back up to his face.

"You’re causing quite the stir in Washington," I tell him, looking at him. "It brought me down here to see what we could do to resolve this."

"Well, I’m sorry Senator, but I don’t usually take it well when a small town Mayor tells me to go fuck myself because his initiatives are going against laws that apply to the entire state," Carter says, his steely eyes drilling into me.

"Those factories don’t belong in the state anyways," another voice interrupts me and I turn around.

A slim, elegant looking Chinese woman is standing there with a martini in her hand. She’s got a smirk that I immediately dislike and I can tell she’s not a big fan of mine either. And it’s clear to me that she sees herself as the person who’s going to be fucking Carter Andrews. "This state is past manufacturing jobs, if you ask me."

"I wouldn’t know who you are to ask you that, Miss…" I say with a smile and as much polite condescension as I can afford.

She extends a hand. "I’m sorry, where are my manners? I’m Tina Ling, special representative from the People’s Republic of China on behalf of China First Bank," she says to me. "I also head the Communist Party in Shanghai and planned this fundraiser."

"So, you’re the equivalent of the Mayor of Shanghai?" I ask, filing away the fact that China First Bank is holding a fundraiser for American political leaders for later.

"I am," Tina Ling says, with a puff of pride.

"Well, Mayor," I say, smiling sweetly. "This is a conversation for just Senators and Governors. Would you mind giving us a moment, please?"

I know, hun. I know. I’m being a bitch.

But just looking at her tits hanging out from that black dress, with those slits showing her thigh. How elegant she is. How silky. And how entitled. It just has me feeling very bloated and angry. Like who the hell is she to come in here, have her fancy fundraiser, and walk away with this man?

Tina must realize this because she smiles at me in a superior fashion. "I’ll be at the bar, waiting, Carter," she says, and turns to walk away.

"That could have gone better," Carter says, a slight smile on his severe face as he looks at me.

"Be the bigger person and all, you mean?" I ask, taking his arm in mine and moving him toward a corner of the room.

Oh, my. Taking his arm? In mine? Drawing closer?

It’s a good thing at least that I wore panties tonight. Because I’d be dripping down my legs right now if I didn’t.

"Being gracious is something that’s usually smiled upon," Carter says.

"So when a Mayor makes some news by saying the Governor can go fuck himself, maybe the best thing to do is ignore it and not make a mountain out of a mole hill, hm?" I ask him with a smile.

Carter’s face stiffens. "That’s different."

"How?" I ask, smiling. I know I’m not listening to my own advice I gave myself in the car. I was supposed to come in here and steamroll over him. But I’m having fun instead.

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