Executive Engagement - Page 244

Who's going to believe me?


"What's going on?" I ask. It feels like I've lost my bottom jaw on the floor.

I can't help it. I probably should've closed the door and walked away, but the words tumble from my mouth instinctually. I mean, when you walk into your Governor's office, you aren't expecting to walk in on something like this. Of all the things that Carter could be caught doing right now, this tops them all. Not after…you know what? Never mind.

I blink a few times just to make sure the scene in front of me is real.

I mean, Carter Andrews of all people—am I really seeing Tina Ling's shirt unbuttoned? Are Carter's pants unbuttoned? And what is Tina Ling doing here anyways? I don't know what Carter and Tina have got going on between each other, but whatever it is, I don't like it. And honestly, the media would have a field day with this if it got out.

Yes, that’s right. The media, hun. Not me. Don’t give me that look.

I’m only here to get this situation between these two men sorted so I can go back to DC. I don’t care what Carter does with his personal life, okay?

Just because he’s as handsome as Apollo, with his Greek god body. His rugged exterior. That feeling of safety I get around him, as if the world could throw everything at me and he would just shrug and tell it to get lost. Anyways, just because of all that doesn’t mean that he’s not free to see whoever he wants, okay?

And before you say anything about Liam, let me just tell you that Liam Jeffries is different. The sex is amazing. But it’s a different feeling I get with him.

Liam is risky and fun. Carter seems like a solid oak.

I mean…you know what, hun? Stop it. I didn’t mean anything by any of that.

It’s just the situation.

You got me at a bit of a surprise, and I just blurted. I don’t really feel anything at all.


Anyways, I know I've caught him off guard because I watch as he jumps up, waving a hand in the air as if to shrug the whole thing off. How stupid does he think I am?

"This isn't what it looks like," he says, nearly stumbling on his words and stupidly trying to button his shirt and pants. Yeah, right. Sure it isn't. I feel my eyes practically rolling around in their sockets. Give me a break. But then I catch myself gazing at his exposed chest. I never knew he was so muscular under that suit.

"Nothing is happening," he maintains.

My eyes go from Tina's open blouse, which she's now quickly buttoning, to Carter's unzipped pants.

"Sure, Carter. Are you telling me this is just some casual Friday at the office?"

"I should be going," Tina says, straightening her skirt and grabbing her shoulder bag. “I have a meeting with my superiors."

I narrow my eyes and ask her, "Just who are your superiors, Ms. Ling?"

She gives me a sly smile.

"I’m a member of the Communist Party of the Central Region of the People’s Republic of China, Senator," she says. "I wouldn’t expect you as a Westerner to understand the concepts I live for—community over self, dedication, hard work…"

I can’t take any more.

"Right, because you’re standing in the office of someone who started and made successful several technology companies through hard work, and dedication, Ms. Ling," I say rolling my eyes. "You may not agree with our Western ideas of individuality and self-worth, but you sure do know how to copy the good things we come up with and then try to undercut us."

Tina says nothing to me, just stares.

"Women should know when to speak in society, Ms. Hawthorne," she says icily. I can see she’s mad. "Even Senators."

"Or what?" I ask, my nostrils flaring. Who does this bitch think she is?

"Or else the world might start to take notice of their…peculiarities," she says simply, staring me in the eyes.

Tags: Alexis Angel Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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